Chapter 6
Easeion vs Crayon Part Two
Easeion then started charging up the Bear Implosion while Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion, the implosions then hit with intense power and they both were knocked down to the ground.
Easeion then started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast, the blasts hit their targets.
Easeion then started charging up the Ultimate Disaster Blast while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb, the attacks collided and they both took damage.
Easeion then got up and used the Ultimate Thunderstorm technique, Crayon then used his Bird Implosion to attack. The thunderstorm struck Crayon while Easeion was hit directly.
Easeion was slightly struggling but he was not finished.
" I will still fight, my skill is too high " said Easeion.
" My power is simply too strong, I can fight "
" I still intend on making Crayon extremely sad "
" I will not give up when it comes to that "
" It doesn't seem to be working " said Crayon.
" I'm not feeling that way "
" It is going to happen " said Easeion.
" You will beg for mercy and I will not care "
" Hahahahaha "
" The whole crowd can see "
" We will see about that " said Crayon.
Fighters were talking.
" Crayon is looking good " said Challenger.
" He sure is " said Colourea.
" He will have a shot at facing King Bobby " said Colouruke.
" Bakers have always preferred Crayon over Easeion " said Artby.
" Baking has helped "
" Purchases have changed things "
" Bakers have done so much "
The fight continued.
Easeion started charging up the Ultimate Disaster Blast while Crayon started charging for the Ultimate Bird Blast, the blasts knocked both of them to the ground.
" Crayon, I must win " said Easeion.
" Well, it really is not going to look that way " said Crayon.
" I will fight for the Smithsons, being a Smithson means so much " said Easeion.
" I will get my victory for a great family like them "
" The Smithsons are the best "
Fighters were talking.
" Easeion has to turn this around " said Whites.
" We cannot have so many Bear members eliminated "
" It is not acceptable " said Blackin.
" My wedding means so much, they must defend the marriage from Crayon and Challenger "
" Yes, our love for each other means everything " said Blackina.
" Our love is so strong "
" It most certainly is " said Blackin.
" We have a powerhouse love "
The fight continued.
Easeion then started charging up his Bear Implosion while Crayon started charging up his Heatwave Implosion, the implosions hit their opponents directly down to the ground.
Easeion was getting near the end while Crayon was slightly struggling.
" I must win " said Easeion.
" I cannot fail to make you sad "
" I must do so as a Smithson "
" I do not understand and it will not happen " said Crayon.
" The Smithsons are demanding this to happen " said Easeion.
" The Smithsons must get their way "
" What does me being sad have to do with your family ? " asked Crayon.
" They were trying to take over Colourland, tons of stealing would have happened if fighting did not occur "
" It isn't like we attacked them when they did nothing wrong "
" They are my family, as a brother I must be great " said Easeion.
" I must be a great brother, it is the way of the Smithson family "
" Not sure what stealing has to do with being a brother " said Crayon.
" I just do not see it "
" Blackin planned to take over, it was not just stealing as well "
" People of Colourland would have suffered endlessly "
" Well, screw them " said Easeion.
" If they suffer, they suffer "
" I care about Bill and Tara, not them "
" You are not understanding what it means to be a Smithson "
" It is to truly care about Bill and Tara "
" I am very proud of myself as a brother, I will not give up "
" I am a great brother, Crayon "
Fighters were talking.
" So it looks like Easeion is finished almost " said Blackburnian.
" Well, that is disappointing "
" I thought he would have had what it took "
" It is, I thought that Crayon would have lost " said King Bobby.
" Crayon has shown more skill than I thought he would, we must be ready "
" Warbler must not be influenced poorly " said Queen Starling.
" He is a great guy " said King Bobby.
" His meals matter so much, he must return to the castle "
" The castle is where he belongs "
" It will be nice seeing him with all the advisors " said Blackburnian.
" It will be great to have everyone together "
" That is so true " said Queen Starling.
" Allie will join him " said Queen Starling.
" Yes, of course " said King Bobby.
" Crayon may be good enough to squeak by Easeion but the quarterfinals is the farthest he can make it "
" Yes, he will likely have to deal with one of the kings, Challenger,queens or Blackin " said Blackburnian.
" He won't win "
" Yes, we are too much for him " said Queen Starling.
" Yes, he is not a semifinalist " said King Bobby.
" Colourlandish people do not want him to be " said Colour King.
" No, they most certainly do not " said Colour Dictator.
The fight continued.
Easeion then started charging up the Bear Implosion while Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion, the implosions hit with so much power.
" I will not lose " said Easeion.
" I will fight for the Smithsons, they mean so much "
" I will win "
" The fans will see this "
" The fans know I can do it "
The attacks then knocked both of them down to the ground.
" I must be able to fight " said Easeion.
" Now Blackin will be furious "
" He loves Blackina a lot "
" The thing is, I don't want them to not marry " said Crayon.
" I just don't want so many people hurt, which is what they want "
" They want better gifts " said Easeion.
" Blackin will have a better wedding, he loves Blackina so much "
Easeion could no longer fight, an announcement came on.
" Easeion has been defeated, he is now eliminated "
" Crayon is now quarterfinals bound "
" That is all the fights for today "
" The first match tomorrow is Blackin against Blackburnian "
" Enjoy the fights and the rest of the day "
Blackin, Blackina and Whites were talking.
" This pisses me off " said Blackin.
" We only have three members, we have lost two of our members in the first four fights of the round of 16 "
" Yeah, this really annoys me " said Blackina.
" Now, we only have three people left so we must be perfect "
" My cousin will win the tournament, Blackburnian will be eliminated " said Whites.
" He will marry Blackina in front of several Bear members "
" That is 100 percent true " said Blackin.
" My love for Blackina is a powerhouse love "
" It really is " said Blackina.
" Our love cannot stop "
Crayon and his friends were talking.
" So glad to be in the quarterfinals with Challenger " said Crayon.
" It is great " said Colourea.
" It sure is " said Colouruke.
" Bakers must be thanked, bakers have always wanted Crayon to beat Easeion in the tournament "
Crayon and his friends were talking.
" Bakers have not liked Easeion " said Artby.
" He has not respected baking in the way Crayon has "
" Our purchases have been wonderful for bakers, Easeion has not helped bakers "
" Uh, okay " said Colourea.
" Well, we got so much bread " said Artby.
" That is true " said Colouruke.
" Then we can eat bread again which is great " said Artby.
More time passed, Warbler and Allie were together.
" Now my brother faces Blackin " said Warbler.
" Well, he has done some questionable things but Blackin is more dangerous to be honest " said Allie.
" Yeah, I'm going for Blackburnian " said Warbler.
" Blackin is willing to have so many people hurt for gifts "
" Yeah, that is not good " said Allie.
" Well, Crayon beat Easeion at least, which is good "
" Yeah, that was great to see " said Warbler.
" Well, it will be an exciting fight to watch "
" I am happy with you " said Allie.
" I am glad we have met each other, that site has done some good "
" Yeah, I may not like the way the king has treated Crayon but setting up that site did wonders for us " said Warbler.
" It is amazing " said Allie.
Allie and Warbler ended up kissing each other.
Blackin was with Blackina.
" My desire for you is so strong " said Blackin.
" Yes, it sure is " said Blackina.
" Blackburnian has no chance against me " said Blackin.
" My love for Blackina and my power is too much "
" It will be a great wedding " said Blackina.
" It will " said Blackin.
" My cousin Whites will be a great best man "
" That is for sure " said Blackina.
Blackin and Blackina then embraced each other.
More time continued passing and everyone ate supper which they enjoyed.
Challenger was talking with Colouruke.
" Tomorrow will be an interesting fight " said Challenger.
" It sure will " said Colouruke.
" I am not sure who I want to win though "
" Blackburnian is not as strong, it would be easier if he won " said Challenger.
" It would create an easier path for me and Crayon "
" Blackin is strong, I don't think Blackburnian can beat him "
" I wonder who will fight against Colourea "
" Whites would probably be the easiest matchup left " said Colouruke.
" Yes " said Challenger.
More time continued passing, Crayon and Colourea were talking with each other.
" I am really glad to make the quarterfinals " said Crayon.
" We can both make it " said Colourea.
" That sounds very possible " said Crayon.
" Since that you are not facing Blackin, it seems very likely "
" I love you " said Colourea.
" Me too " said Crayon.
Crayon and Colourea were kissing each other.
Everyone went to bed.