As the evening sun descended, its warm rays spilled through the resplendent stained-glass windows of the ancient church. A kaleidoscope of colors danced upon the weathered wooden pews, and the distant organ.
The aisle, flanked by regal columns, guided gazes toward the chancel where the altar stood as a sacred beacon, capturing the essence of the fading light. Above, a breathtaking stained-glass window unfurled a celestial saga in vivid and enchanting hues.
At the core of the altar, bathed in the warm radiance, stood a statue — the god of light. His countenance exuded serenity, with an outstretched hand gracefully catching the final rays of daylight, casting a soft and reverent shadow upon the ancient stone floor below.
Throughout the aisle, stood unlit candles. The air enveloped the sacred space with the lingering fragrance of aged incense, creating an atmosphere of reverence.
Inside the empty nave of the church, Priest Benedict, a man in his sixties with white skin, graying hair, and a slightly wrinkled face, bowed respectfully to in-training Priest Kevin. Benedict's eyes held a subtle silver shade, and despite his age, his seemingly imposing body conveyed an underlying strength. A kind smile adorned his features.
Kevin's face, initially cold and serious, softened as he uttered, "You may rise, Sir Benedict."
"Yes," replied Benedict, meeting Kevin's gaze. As they stared at each other, Kevin's facial expression returned to its previous jovial and kind demeanor.
"Sir Benedict, please drop the formalities with me," Kevin requested.
"I can't; your status and lineage are much higher than mine," Benedict replied with a respectful tone.
"Regardless of my background, Sir Benedict, I am here to learn from you. I can't have my teacher and elder be so respectful to me all the time. At least for the period of my training, please treat me as your student," Kevin insisted.
"Sir Benedict, please teach me," Kevin bowed respectfully.
In response to such a sincere request, Benedict was surprised and satisfied. "Priest Kevin, please raise your head," he said with a kind smile. "I understand. Then please forgive my rudeness during your training period."
"Yes. Thank you for your understanding," Kevin responded, rising with a joyful smile.
"Then, Kevin, do you know what your requirements for graduation are?"
"No. I am to receive my tasks from you," Kevin responded.
"Hmm. Then let me assign them to you. As long as you perform these tasks to my satisfaction, I will approve your graduation.
"Your training period will be for 2 years. I will assign you 5 tasks.
1. Be my assistant for 1 year.
2. For 1 year, you need to manage this church on your own.
During these 2 years, this entire baronet will be under your sole management.
3. Investigate the Ravencrests.
4. Investigate the forest.
"Sir Benedict, can you explain your reasons for assigning me these tasks? And your evaluation criteria?" Kevin inquired.
Benedict chuckled, "If it was any other trainee, I would have asked him to shut his mouth and do as he was asked to do. But since it’s you, I will explain my reasons for assigning these tasks. However, you can forget about my evaluation criteria."
“I have assigned the tasks in ascending order of priority and importance. Do you understand?”
“That means the 1st task has the lowest importance and priority, while the 5th task holds more significance and high priority."
"Yes. Your first task will help you learn the ropes of being and behaving as a priest. The second task is a practical application of what you have learned. I will also be teaching you practical theory and my own experiences.”
“I understand.”
“Regarding the Ravencrests, it’s one of the peculiar cases. I will not go into details. But you can ask me questions, and I will only answer you according to the perspective of a person who is involved. I will reserve my judgments and thoughts. You need to observe, analyze, investigate, judge, and punish according to your own perception, understanding, and judgment. At the end, report to me on how you perceived this case along with your thought process and emotions you felt. I will assess your performance based on your report. Do you get it?”
After a moment of contemplation, “Understood.”
“Hmm. In regards to your original duties, you will be in charge of the entire baronet. Including the forest. You should know what I am talking about.”
“For now, follow me. I will show you your room. You can start from tomorrow. Wake up early before sunrise.”
Benedict led the way, while Kevin followed. Suddenly, Kevin felt something wasn’t right.
“Wait, Sir Benedict.”
“What is it?”
“You said you have assigned me 5 tasks, but you have only informed me of 4. What about the last and most important one?”
Benedict chuckled, “You are sharp. I was counting on when you would realize this.”
“Remember, always stay sharp and don’t miss any details. In actions or words or in your surroundings. It will help you to survive.”
“About your 5th task, you have already passed.”
“What? When? How?” Kevin was surprised.
“You passed when you had bowed your head to me.”
“If you had previously taken your higher status for granted and tried to lord over me, I would have failed you that very second.”
“But you remained humble, showed respect, and sought to learn without undermining the other person. You have a good character. You have the potential to be a good priest.”
“Attitude and character. I consider their importance to take precedence over everything else.”
“A priest without character is trash.”
Kevin was stunned, and his back was sweating.
‘The moment he bowed to me, I knew he was setting up a trap for me. I even considered trying to lord over him to complete this boring stay in a backward county where nothing exciting happens and wasting my time. I am so glad my elder sister gave me a report on Sir Benedict. He was a man of character. He has many accomplishments. He did not seem like a person to bow before status or power. Damn geezer.’
Kevin scolded the priest internally.
“Oh! I forgot to tell you, the first 2 tasks were also meant to teach you patience,” Benedict said without turning his head back.
Kevin almost tripped his legs. ‘Did he? Yes, it's on purpose. It's definitely on purpose. I better stay in my goodie-two-shoes during my stay here. He might still be observing my character.’
‘Haa… endure, Kevin, endure. It is only for 2 years.’
As Kevin encouraged himself.
Benedict led Kevin to his room on the first floor.
“For the next 2 years, you will stay here. Familiarize yourself. There is a washroom downstairs. You can freshen up and come to the kitchen. I will keep your dinner ready. Take your rest for today. You should be tired due to your journey. You can start from tomorrow.”
“Yes,” Kevin nodded.
After Benedict left, Kevin surveyed his first-floor room. A table with stationary and a lamp adorned the right side, a window opposite the door offered a view of the garden with the rising moon, and a bed with a simple sun painting on the wall awaited him. A pot of water and a flower vase added a touch of charm. A small mirror hung in one corner, and despite the lack of a fan, the cool breeze from the open window was refreshing.
Arranging his luggage, Kevin refreshed himself, had dinner in the kitchen, and returned to his room. As he lay on his bed, thoughts of the day and the stories from the farmers filled his mind. Fatigue caught up, and he dozed off, enveloped by the quietude of the old church.
Copyright © [2023] [The Rainy Imp]. All rights reserved.
The next day, Kevin awoke early, took a quick bath, and headed to Priest Benedict to officially start his role as an assistant. Finding Benedict in the nave, Kevin greeted him with a respectful nod.
"Good morning, Sir Benedict," Kevin said.
"Ah, good morning, Kevin. Ready to start your duties?" Benedict asked, his weathered face breaking into a warm smile.
"Excellent. Let's begin with some cleaning today. Sweep the insides, then outside," Benedict instructed, handing Kevin a broom.
As Kevin started his cleaning duties, he explored the church, the rising sun casting a warm glow. Inside, sunlight painted the floor, revealing the ground floor with its nave and pews. Behind the nave, a practical kitchen and washrooms awaited.
Climbing the worn stairs, he discovered simple rooms for priests on the first floor. The top floor revealed a maze of spaces, some for storage, others for meetings, and a few for private confessions.
Exiting the church, he found it embraced by a calm lawn and garden, enclosed by a wooden fence. Nearby stood a humble shack. The air carried a hint of incense, and within the aged walls.
Having finished his cleaning duties, Kevin approached Father Benedict, a bead of sweat on his forehead.
"Priest Benedict, I've finished the cleaning," Kevin reported.
Benedict, inspecting the tidied space, remarked, "You are sloppy. You'll need to pick up the pace. The responsibilities here are numerous, and efficiency is crucial."
"I'll work hard."
Benedict gestured for Kevin to sit, "Now, as my assistant, your duties extend beyond just cleaning. You'll be involved in various aspects."
Kevin nodded, listening attentively.
"Firstly, you'll assist in organizing events and ceremonies. From setting up the nave for worship to coordinating with the villagers for special occasions, your role is pivotal in creating an atmosphere of reverence," Benedict explained.
"Additionally, you'll be helping in the preparation of sacraments. From baptisms to weddings, your hands will play a role in these sacred rituals. It's a responsibility that requires attention to detail and a deep understanding of our traditions," Benedict continued.
"You'll be involved in outreach. Connecting with the community, offering support where needed, and embodying the teachings of the god of light in your actions," Benedict emphasized.
"Remember, Kevin, being a priest is not just about rituals and routines. It's about fostering a sense of belonging, guiding the community. Your journey has just begun, and there's much to learn."
Kevin nodded.
After discussing his broader responsibilities, Benedict smiled slyly, "Now, Kevin, let's talk about the practical side of things. As my assistant, you'll play a crucial role in maintaining the day-to-day operations of the church."
"Laundry and kitchen duties are part of the routine. Clergy garments need to be cleaned regularly, and the kitchen, being the heart of the church, requires constant attention," Benedict explained.
"Ensure the priest's robes are impeccably clean, and the kitchen is well-stocked. You'll also be responsible for preparing meals," Benedict continued.
"Aside from that, you'll be handling correspondence and managing the church records. Keeping things organized is essential for the smooth functioning of the clergy," Benedict added.
“While these tasks may seem mundane, they are essential."
‘Damn Geezer,’ Kevin cursed internally.
Copyright © [2023] [The Rainy Imp]. All rights reserved.
After some time, villagers came to the church to pay their respects before starting their work. Once they left, they resumed their daily chores.
While working, Kevin asked, “Sir Benedict.”
“It's about the Ravencrests.”
Benedict did not stop his work but became vigilant.
“Can you tell me about them?”
“No, go ask the villagers.”
“I asked them. I want to know from your mouth.”
“No. I will not say anything. But if you ask questions, I will answer. I will not give my opinions.”
“Fine,” Kevin said with a long tone.
“Then can you answer some of my questions?”
“Fire away.”
“Yesterday, the villagers said that it was regrettable that the baroness doesn’t have any male heir. Why is that?”
After some thinking, Benedict replied, “Because the baroness and her children have become delicious meat in the eyes of many people.”
“I don’t understand.”
“For the past 2 years, the baroness has been receiving many proposals for marriage from lords, merchants, nearby barons, and second and third-generation children of viscounts and barons.”
After contemplation, Kevin understood the underlying meaning.
“Oh! You mean to say that they are aiming for her wealth and status.”
“Yes. Currently, the baroness doesn’t have any male heir. And her children are also small. If any of them can marry her, then they can gain the territory and the title of a baron.”
“Even if they are unable to marry her, they can try to engage their children to marry her daughters. I heard that some barons and viscounts have proposed to engage her eldest and youngest daughters to their sons. Some even asked if she is willing to let their son marry both of her daughters.”
Kevin was taken aback. He chuckled, “They aren’t even trying to hide their intentions, are they?”
“Can you tell me what kind of person the baroness is?”
“Tch,” Kevin clicked his tongue. Then his eyes lit up.
“I heard from the farmers that she came to the church to learn. Can you describe the situation from the point of view of the person involved?”
Benedict exhaled heavily and said, “Fine.”
"At that time, Sera came to the church and prayed. I also knew what kind of situation she was in. She stayed late until everyone left. Then she bowed her head and requested me to teach her to read and write.
“She did not cry. She did not ask for help. She asked for knowledge.”
I asked, “Why do you want to learn?”
She said, “I want to live.”
“Aren’t you here to pray for salvation?”
“Will God save me if I beg for his help all day?”
“I did not know what to say.”
“Why is he not helping the people outside? Aren’t they praying for salvation?”
I was tongue-struck by the words of a teenage girl.
Then she continued, “To begin with, why would he even help me?”
“I believe God helps those who he thinks are worthy of receiving his help.”
“I do not know if I am worthy enough to receive his help.”
“Then how can I show him that I am worthy enough?”
“What makes me worthy?”
“As she was speaking, I was attracted to her eyes. Her eyes had a mysterious depth.”
With only a few sentences, she made me question my beliefs and my actions.
“Sir Priest, I am not one of the gods chosen. I don’t know if I am deserving of God's protection. So, I can only try my best.”
“If God exists and you say that he helps others, then I believe that he is helping others, I believe that he is doing so through people like you.”
She bowed her head and said, “So, please teach me. So that I can find a way to save myself.”
Despite her request, her tone did not sound like that of a peasant girl. But it held some unknown depth and authority. Some kind of noble quality. I had goosebumps, and I stopped breathing. Unknowingly I agreed to teach her.
She learned from me how to read and write. She had difficulty learning but improved quickly. She must have practiced a lot. One day she came to me with a letter and some written documents in her hand, requesting me to send them to the viscountess. In later months, she also borrowed many books from my collection in the church. But after her pregnancy and learning about her family, she stopped coming here. She must have been in despair. She again came here after she received her title as a baroness.
Hearing Sir Benedict's story, Kevin remained silent. Before he could say anything, Benedict continued, “The baroness has previously requested me that she has some favor she needs from the church. She said she will come in 3 days after she dealt with some matters to discuss it. Meet her and see for yourself what kind of person she is.”
Kevin nodded, seemingly in deep thought.
Copyright © [2023] [The Rainy Imp]. All rights reserved.
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