On the night Kevin left Raven’s Crest, the castle lay in a quiet stillness, bathed in the soft glow of the full moon that seemed to be playing hide and seek behind the clouds.
Sera, Vina, and Tia had finished their dinner and retired to their bedroom, cladded in simple chemises. The room is tranquil, lit by the moon light passing through the open windows.
Ever since returning from the hive, she had been consumed by thoughts that she couldn’t seem to escape.
As Vina and Tia chatted beside her, Sera leaned against the bed’s headboard, lost in a labyrinth of frustrations and troubling possibilities.
For a long time, Sera struggled to find lasting solutions to her challenges. While temporary measures like the Lamia’s Embrace and Tia’s unique constitution provided some relief, they failed to fully resolve her underlying issues. Despite her efforts to maintain a calm facade, her unresolved anxieties quietly grew over time. The matriarch’s words, which felt like a death sentence, amplified her fears and cast a shadow over her and her children’s future. The discovery that Vina had inherited a dead artifact—much like her own—was the last nail to the coffin, as all her pent up emotions are now running amok in her mind.
‘Damn it, it is so frustrating. If the enemy was external, there might still be a way to do something or to focus my anger towards. Even if it is destroying the kingdom or the world, there might still be a slight possibility.
‘But the enemy is fate. It is like a (cancer or HIV) patient affected by an incurable disease who can’t do anything about their situation other than to spectate as their bodies deteriorate and perish.
‘What should I do? What is the cure for our situation?
‘Even the matriarchs couldn’t break my artifact. Will going to the priests be of any use?
‘If I consider the secrets of our birth, it is highly possible that even Vina’s artifact is as indestructible as mine. And so is Tia’s.
‘This artifact is something I, a demonkin, inherited. So is it possible that the priest’s holy attribute magic is effective on it? Especially considering the priests of the church of light goddess.
‘But if it was possible, the matriarchs might have suggested it already. Considering that they did not even bother to mention it means, they believed, the priests aren’t capable of doing it.’
Sera’s thoughts slowly grew darker.
‘How about asking the priests at saint’s level. But why would they even do it for us? What can we even offer them? Should I just sell out the hive? But, would they even care for our puny weak race?
‘Hmm, it might not be impossible if I tell them that secret of our race. But it is too risky and they would do everything they could to eliminate every last one of our bloodline including us. To begin with, their power might not even be sufficient.
‘According to the matriarchs, one of the possibilities is to apply pressure on the dead artifact both internally and externally at the same time. External aside, how do I pressure it internally?
‘Maybe I should try to summon Demon high nobles from the abyss.
‘But it is not easy, the procedure could be more complicated, tedious and time taking than what Malachi and Ethan attempted.
‘Not to mention the sacrifices it requires. Maybe even an entire city might not be sufficient. Maybe a territory should do.
‘Should I sacrifice Ravencrest territory?
‘But the aftermath and the disaster it would bring to this world is unpredictable.
‘Not to mention, the summoned demon noble might even just kill us as soon as it is summoned.’
In this way, Sera’s thoughts kept flowing in a dangerous direction.
“Sister, could you show me your artifact once?” Tia asked.
“Okay,” Vina conjured her dead artifact.
Tia took the artifact into his hands, studying it closely. The broken sculpture, made of rock, was covered in intricate carvings that seemed almost alive under the moonlight.
“Mmm,” Tia mused, deep in thought.
“What is it, Tia?” asked vina.
“This pattern… maybe…” Tia seemed on the verge of grasping something.
“Mother, mother,” Tia nudged Sera, jolting her out of her dangerous reverie.
“Huh? Yes, what is it, Tia?”
“Mother, can you show me your artifact?”
“...Sure,” she said, conjuring her dead artifact and passing it to Tia.
Tia examined it carefully, his eyes widening with excitement as he compared it to Vina’s. “As I thought,” he exclaimed.
“These patterns… they’re connected,” Tia said, with certainty.
“What is it, Tia? Did you notice something?” Sera asked.
Vina leaned in, intrigued.
“Mother, sister, look at this,” Tia said, bringing the two artifacts together.
She carefully aligned them, and as they connected, the intricate patterns on each piece locked into place seamlessly.
“See? These two are a perfect fit.”
Both Sera and Vina stared at the artifacts in surprise.
“Let me see them” Sera took the two artifacts from Tia’s hands to examine them.
“Mother, I think these aren’t two separate artifacts, but rather pieces of a single artifact that’s been broken apart
“From the patterns, it seems to be a rock sculpture shaped like a book.” Tia speculated.
“Indeed.” Sera’s gaze narrowed as she considered the idea.
“It looks like, in ancient times, this artifact was a book.” Tia speculated.
“But I’ve never heard of anyone inheriting a book as an artifact.
“There’s no mention of such a thing in our hive’s records either.
“Typically, if someone inherits knowledge at the Spire, it’s either transferred directly to their mind.
“If that knowledge is too much for the person to handle, it will be sealed until the right time.
“Or they might inherit a scroll with that knowledge which is bound to them. But not a complete book.
“It's unheard of.
“Maybe a weapon transformed its shape into that of a book for convenience's sake.
“Then, in its book form, the weapon was destroyed. Thus breaking it into pieces.” Sera speculated.
“These two pieces make up two-thirds of the book. Which means there’s at least one more piece missing.
“Mother, is it possible that, when I go for my awakening ceremony, I will inherit the third piece?” asked Tia excitedly.
Sera nodded slowly, “It’s possible… but how could a single artifact be inherited by or bound to three different people? It doesn’t make sense. Unless…”
A sudden thought struck Sera like lightning. Her eyes widened in realization.
“Could it be?” she whispered, her mind racing.
Sera immediately jumped out of bed.
“Mother?” Vina and Tia exclaimed.
Sera’s heart raced as she approached the table in front of the bed where she had left the documents she received from the matriarchs.
The documents were written in archaic language, so not many will be able to read them.
Although Tia and Vina tried, as they are learning the ancient languages from Sera, it has a lot of information, and terms related to various rituals, which is like a non-medical student reading a medical book. Although they are able to read it, they are unable to understand it without prior knowledge of terminology and the science behind it.
Turning on the table lamp with her magic, Sera quickly skimmed through the brittle, timeworn sheets.
Finally, she found what she was searching for.
It wasn’t much—just a paragraph with no specific information, a brief record of an event.
Her mind raced. Though vague, a path to solving her problem slowly became clear in her mind connecting many pieces of information.
“Is it possible?” Sera kept muttering to herself.
‘But this is only a hypothesis I came up with. And it is literally a suicide. Even if it is successful, it is similar to bearing a curse.
‘Not to mention, it will require a lot of money to gather necessary items for the ritual.
‘I once heard a saying stating that, ‘Once might be an accident. Twice is coincidence. If something similar happens twice, then there is a high probability of the same thing happening a third time. If it were to happen thrice, then it is not a probability but an inevitable fate’.
If this proverb holds any truth, then there is a high chance for Tia to inherit the third piece of the book.
‘And If that were to happen, the rate of that sinister ritual to succeed will definitely rise.
‘Even if Tia doesn’t inherit the third piece, Vina and I can try to attempt it by ourselves.
The ritual itself was a mystery. No one even knows why such a ridiculous ritual was even developed.
‘Even if we succeed, we have to bear the drawbacks and effects of the ritual which can be considered as extremely disadvantageous curses. And considering the consequences of the ritual in the far future, It might even be better off for us to just die instead.
‘Also, I do not want to force Vina or Tia to participate in this ritual. It must be voluntary.
‘But, we might be able to break these goddamn artifact’s pieces once and for all.
‘I must be going insane to even consider trying this ritual.
‘What should I do?’ The chaotic thoughts in Sera’s mind found a direction.
Tia and Vina got down from their bed and approached Sera who was again lost in her thoughts.
“Mother, what happened?” Tia and Vina asked softly, snapped Sera out of her reverie.
Sera didn’t want to explain, so she said in a roundabout manner trying to brush it off.
“It’s nothing really, It's just that I might have found a solution to a problem, but it’s a difficult one. I’m afraid of its future consequences. So, I am unable to decide what to do.”
“But, Mother, don’t you already know what to do?” Tia looked puzzled.
“What do you mean?” Sera blinked, confused.
“You were the one who taught me once mother, did you forget?
“It was you who told me not to be afraid of the future.
“You once asked me—
“‘How can you be so sure that you will not get the opportunity to grow strong enough to face those troubles in the future?
“If we back down from confronting our problems out of fear for the future, we can never move forward.
“We can only make choices based on our current circumstances and following our hearts. ‘Leave the future fears to your future self.’”
Under the illumination of the moonlight falling through the window, Tia repeated the words Sera once told him. In that moment, her image seemed like that of a gentle fairy, bathed in the soft glow.
Sera who listened to Tia who reminded her of her own thoughts, felt like the clouds of confusion in her mind have dissipated and a heavy burden seems to be lifted from her heart.
Sera, who had been lost for the past few months seems to have finally found her path.
In that instant, she made her decision.
Kneeling down, she placed her hand on Tia’s shoulder and said sincerely, “Thank you”
Tia’s eyes widened in surprise. It was the first time someone has ever thanked him from the bottom of their heart.
After a moment, Tia came back to his senses and said, “So, mmm, Mother, was I helpful to you?”
“Yes, you were very helpful,” Sera smiled softly.
Copyright © [December] [2024] [The Rainy Imp]. All rights reserved.
Taking this opportunity, Tia puffed up his chest and spoke proudly, as if lecturing a bad child.
“See, Mother? You won’t tell us your problems, but if you do, we might actually help you out in some way.”
Vina, standing close by, nodded vigorously, declaring her stance on this matter.
Sera looked at Tia’s smug face, and the way he acted like an adult lecturing her, she couldn’t help but stifle her laughter in amusement.
“Argh, you are not taking us seriously again. See? Was I not helpful to you just now?” Tia groaned.
Vina also pouted, imitating Tia.
“Hahaha…” unable to hold it any longer, Sera laughed out loud.
“Mother…” Tia began, feeling that she was making fun of him, his cheeks blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed.
But soon, a quiet warmth filled his chest, and he smiled in relief seeing that Sera finally laughed after a long time from the bottom of her heart.
But he tried to maintain his pout, not wanting to give away.
Vina also smiled, feeling relieved that her mother finally seems to be out of her bad mood.
After Sera’s laughter subsided, she tousled Tia’s hair and said, “Yes, yes, you were very helpful. Even if I never asked, you have always been helpful to us without your knowledge. You’ve always been our... light...”
Her voice trailed off, her smile faded as a sudden realization struck her.
Memories of past events involving Tia flooded Sera’s mind.
Sera’s eyes widened, her mouth slightly agape as she thought, ‘Yes, Since when did this begin? I always thought Tia might be a Wisher. But,
‘When Vina and I started to feel the effects of Lamia’s Embrace, Tia who was in her mother's womb had pacified our minds and hearts with his special constitution.
‘His very presence has been shielding us and those around us, keeping the artifact’s influence at bay.
‘For Vina and Tia’s sake, I rebuilt the territory, bringing prosperity to the land and its people.
‘When Vina wanted to run into the forest during their kidnapping, Tia’s choice to stay saved her from unknown dangers.
‘Their interference with the ritual saved the village, Vina, and me from the disaster of a demon summoning.
‘Vina went berserk against Julian, when she thought they were going to hurt Tia.
‘Tia has become Vina’s motivation to grow stronger.
‘Vina and I stopped eating meat, since Tia didn’t like hurting animals when there are other options for food. Even our simple choices, like food, were influenced by her.
‘I don’t know when, but I have started to consider Tia in every decision I took.
‘Just two months ago, I refrained from making contracts with the children because I thought Tia would be disappointed in me when she finds out about it in the future. I wanted to be someone she could always look up to and rely on.
‘If it was in the past, I would have made a much more logical and profitable choice.
‘At the very least, I would have made a contract with Julian and his family, even if it meant blackmailing them, as it is most likely for them to bear a grudge against us.
‘I even felt proud of myself for making such an illogical decision. Why did I act like a naive child that doesn’t know the ways of the world?
‘Why am I acting like a brain dead teenage girl in love?
‘Now I understand why Kevin had such a perplexing expression on his face. If those old hags find out about it, they will die laughing.’ Sera felt slightly embarrassed. ‘I should never let them know about it.
Sera took a deep breath to calm herself.
‘Of course, the things I deal with nowadays are mostly inconsequential. So, I didn’t consider them in depth. But it still doesn’t change the fact that my actions and thoughts are unconsciously being influenced by her.
‘And now, when I was lost, she unknowingly gave me the direction I needed. With my thoughts being so chaotic, I don’t know if I would have seen the connection between the artifacts.
‘She also reminded me of the ideals I had forgotten, helping me make a decision.
‘Without even knowing it, Tia has always been there helping us, protecting us and guiding us.’
Suddenly, Sera remembered Ravenna’s words from the past:
You better pray that you never find one. If you do, there will be no going back. Because you will never be the same again. You can never get away from them. You will be helplessly attracted and attached to them. They would become your raison d'être
Then she remembered her own words which she spoke to Eleanor without much thought, yet they had came from the depths of her heart:
While building a good reputation among the people, you eliminated a baron’s household, upheaved an entire county to secure a home. Now, for your children, you're causing ripples in the marquisate and the church. What's next? Are you going to cause chaos in the entire duchy or something?
It's not just me anymore.
It is us.
Vina hasn't realized it yet. But thanks to that little stunt you pulled earlier, it won't be long before Vina becomes aware of her own feelings.
Do not mention a mere dukedom or a kingdom, for Tia, if it is what she wishes for, we will unleash chaos upon this entire world.
Whether it is the world, demons, gods or heroes. We will take them all on.
A chill ran down Sera’s spine. Her eyes widened, pupils dilated, her heart rate fastened.
Somehow, she had always known. Yet she only just realized it now.
At this moment, she knew she would never be the same again. And she doesn't want to either.
“Mother…” Tia, who saw Sera in a daze, called out in concern.
“Haha, Hahaha, Hahahahaha….” Suddenly, Sera started to laugh like a maniac.
Her laughter echoed through the room which made Tia and Vina exchange worried glances.
“Mother, what’s wrong?” Tia asked again.
“Hahaha…” Sera’s laughter slowly subsided, and she wiped away a tear that had formed in the corner of her eye. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly, regaining her composure she chuckled.
“Huhu… I never thought those curses they threw at me for jest would actually come true. Now I understand why they were both terrified and fascinated by the idea of finding one.”
"In the midst of darkness, we found our light."
“Mother, what are you talking about?” Tia nudged gently.
Sera grinned from ear to ear. “Nothing, I was just recalling something my mother once said.”
“Grandmother? What did she say?” Tia asked curiously.
“She once recited an ancient poem that has been passed down through our race—a way to identify a Polaris.”
“Poem?” Vina echoed, intrigued.
Sera's smile deepened as she began to recite:
“In the vast expanse where waters meet the sky,
Amidst the darkness, where shadows dance and play,
The Star stands firm, a beacon of light.
Oh, Polaris, guide of the ancient skies,
Your unwavering gleam, piercing heavens bold.
Bright beacon shining, guiding the way untold.
So sail on, brave sailors, beneath the midnight sky,
Through storm and gale, through the darkest night,
Through wind and wave, through peril and fear,
For the star guides you, ever faithful and nigh.
With steadfast gaze, it leads them on their quest,
To distant shores and dreams, where they find rest.”
“Polaris? What is that?” asked Tia.
Sera smiled and kissed Tia gently on his forehead, then pulled him and Vina into a warm embrace.
Closing her eyes and feeling their warmth, With love and certainty, she whispered softly, “You are our Polaris.”
In the darkness, in one of the rooms of Raven’sCrest Castle, a faint glow illuminated the wall, forming the fragmented outline of a broken magic circle.
End of Volume1 Arc2: Polaris
Next is Volume2: Awakening
Copyright © [December] [2024] [The Rainy Imp]. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, contact the publisher at [therainyimp@gmail.com].
This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.