Chapter 10 - Codex 0: Sequentia I: Fragmentum X: Ruler of the Abyss

After the merchant left the room, Kevin, Vina, Tia, and Emma entered the office. Vina and Tia ran and hugged Sera without saying anything.

"Madam, are you alright?" asked the concerned Emma.

"I am fine," Sera reassured.

"Who was that, madam?" Kevin inquired.

"He's a merchant. Their group started trading with us last year. He proposed, but I rejected him; he didn't seem good."

"Why don’t you just reject their entry?" Kevin suggested.

"His father is the 5th son of the marquess. Due to our status difference, he won't go too far. But I can’t avoid his harassment either." Sera smiled depreciatively.

‘So, he wants to use her to gain a noble status,’ Kevin realized.

"Anyway, let's go have our lunch," Sera suggested.


After lunch, Kevin left the castle.


Copyright © [2023] [The Rainy Imp]. All rights reserved.

On the next day of darkness, Kevin began his class.

"First, let's talk about time. We have night and day, and a week with 13 days. A month consists of 26 days, and there are 13 months in a year. Each day is dedicated to one of the 12 major gods, like the Day of Light, Day of Earth, Day of Water, Day of Fire, Day of Wind, Day of Sky, and so on."

Next, we'll explore our kingdom's currency system, which comprises seven types of coins. The basic unit is the Emberbit.

- 100 Emberbits = 1 Breezecent

- 1 Breezecent could purchase a simple meal or a loaf of bread.

- 10 Breezecents = 1 Rustleo

- 1 Rustleo could secure a night's stay at a modest inn or acquire basic equipment.

- 10 Rustleos = 1 Earthcent

- 1 Earthcent could ensure a night in a comfortable inn, hire a local guide, or buy decent armor.

- 10 Earthcents = 1 Moonquart

- 1 Moonquart could afford a fine meal, hire skilled labor, or acquire a quality weapon.

- 10 Moonquarts = 1 SunShilling

- 1 SunShilling represents significant wealth, capable of purchasing a horse, commissioning a skilled craftsman, or gaining entry to exclusive events.

- 10 SunShillings = 1 Starium

- 1 Starium is a rare, prestigious gold coin. It can buy a small estate, fund local expeditions, or procure magical items of moderate power.

Next, let's delve into the diverse spices in our world. While the majority of the population comprises humans, a myriad of other races enriches our realm, including elves, dwarfs, fairies, beast men, and many more.

Now, let's explore the major powerhouses in our world, known as Dystopia. The entire landmass is organized into five continents, each further divided into kingdoms. Our home is the distinguished Kingdom of Aetheria.

In Aetheria, governance is structured hierarchically. At the helm is the emperor, overseeing the realm. Below the emperor, the hierarchy includes Arch Dukes, Dukes, Marquess, Counts, Viscounts, Barons, Knights, and Lords.

Just for your information, our baroness doesn’t have any knights under her due to various circumstances.

Moving on, let's discuss the prominent Adventurers Guilds scattered across the continent. These guilds play a pivotal role in our world, taking on a diverse array of missions. These tasks range from collecting herbs and running errands to more perilous endeavors like monster extermination or even participating in wars. The adventurers’ guilds serve as hubs for those seeking excitement, challenges, and the opportunity to make a significant impact in the ever-evolving landscape of Dystopia.

Now, let's explore the diverse pantheon of gods in our world. There are 12 major deities, each holding sway over different aspects of existence. They are:

1. Terra, Goddess of Earth

2. Aqua, Goddess of Water

3. Ignis, God of Fire

4. Zephyrus, God of Wind

5. Caeli, Goddess of Sky

6. Sol, God of Sun

7. Luna, Goddess of Moon

8. Stellae, Goddess of Stars

9. Chronos, God of Time

10. Fulmen, God of Lightning

11. Lux, Goddess of Light

12. Ferrum, God of Metal

In addition to these major gods, there are numerous other deities overseeing aspects like war, medicine, knowledge, crafting, records, and death. For instance, the god of light is a subsidiary deity under the Goddess of Light, Lux. All these minor gods collectively form subsidiary groups under the umbrella of the 12 major gods.

Some churches are in conflict with each other, while some are on friendlier terms. The churches typically abstain from involvement in political matters under normal circumstances. The relationship between churches and kingdoms is one of independence—two kingdoms may be in conflict, but their respective churches may maintain amicable terms.

It's crucial to note that the churches and kingdoms operate independently of each other. Even in situations where conflicts arise among different power groups, the churches take precedence. If a circumstance arises demanding prioritization, everyone, regardless of their affiliations, is obligated to follow the directives set forth by the churches.

At that moment, Sarah raised her hand.

"Teacher, may I know why the church is given such importance?"

"That's because the main mission of the churches, regardless of their affiliation, is to protect the world from demons."


"What are demons?"

"They are malicious entities whose purpose is to cause chaos and destruction in the world."

"Are they powerful?" someone asked.

"They are indeed very powerful."

"Do demons really exist?" another one added.

"Of course, they exist. But currently, they can't affect us directly because all the demons are sealed in the abyss."

"What is an abyss?"

"An abyss is the realm of the demons. To understand this, you need to grasp the story of gods and demons.

“A long time ago, when gods and demons walked the land, a supremely powerful and malevolent entity ruled over all demons. She was the demon queen, the mother of all demons, and the epitome of evil, the ruler of the abyss, said to have committed every vile deed imaginable, with her dark influence touching every corner of existence. The day and month of darkness were named after her.

Her name is Lilith.

To combat Lilith and her demon army, gods, heroes, and every race in the world united under the leadership of the 12 major gods. In an epic battle, Lilith was ultimately killed, and the demons were driven back to the abyss, the kingdom she ruled. However, the gods and heroes, exhausted from the confrontation, were unable to continue the fight.

Seizing the moment of the demons' retreat, the gods erected a colossal barrier, sealing the abyss. The abyss, vast and expansive, proved challenging to completely seal, leading to the formation of random cracks. These cracks, it is theorized, are the birthplaces of monsters, emanating from the lingering influence of Lilith's realm.

However, the real challenges emerged from a different source. Some demons, instead of retreating to the abyss, chose to hide in our world. They continued their lineage by intermingling with humans, and other races, concealing their true identities. While the demons of old were formidable, the dilution of their bloodline over time resulted in the gradual loss of demonic features and a significant regression in their powers.

To this day, the descendants of these demonic bloodlines coexist in our society. Many are unaware of their demonic heritage, a phenomenon mirrored in the bloodlines of gods, angels, and heroes who remained in the world after the gods' departure. The passage of time, however, has blurred the distinctions between these races, making it nearly impossible to discern one's true lineage.

Yet, some descendants of demons retained their strength and knowledge of their history. They are the practitioners of black magic and witchcraft, instigating chaos and suffering in our world. Hidden in the shadows, demonic cults persist, attempting to form contracts with demons from the abyss. Their primary mission is to unleash the demons upon the world, sowing destruction and turmoil.

Hearing Kevin's tale of the abyss, demons, and gods, fear gripped everyone.

"Teacher, if they are hiding, how do we find them?" a student asked.

"People corrupted by black magic or with demonic bloodlines exhibit specific behaviors and drawbacks," the teacher explained. "For instance, descendants of vampires may feel uncomfortable and thirsty without consuming blood. Similarly, all demonic bloodlines have their own set of drawbacks."

"Teacher, will the world be destroyed by demons?" another child asked anxiously.

"No, the churches exist solely to stop the demonkins and demonic cults, protecting the world from evil and destruction," the teacher reassured. "That is why the church is prioritized above everything else."

"Teacher, how does the church fight the demons?"

"It's done through magic."


"Yes, magic is used to combat monsters, cults, and demons."

‘Wow! So, this world has magic.’ Tia thought to himself.

"Teacher, can you use magic?"

"Not everyone in the church can use magic. Those who can are very few, perhaps 1 in 100 people. But even among them, not all are immensely powerful. Truly strong magic users are quite rare."

"Do you remember the convoy that arrives every few years to take children for a few days?"


"It's a convoy sent by the church to villages to gather children, testing their magic affinity and capability. If a person is found capable of using magic, they can attend a school—albeit a different, larger one—earn more, and some may even become nobles."

"Various factions recruit these individuals and provide training. The most powerful and influential people in society are often magic users. Additionally, when a person awakens to use magic, they become more beautiful and can even live for a very long time."

"The church recruits these magically gifted individuals to train them as future heroes, priests, or healers."

"Magic is not only used for fighting but also for crafting and many other purposes. For instance, the lamps, sewage systems, and many conveniences we use today are invented using magic. Even those with limited potential can be employed to manage magic-related systems. The baroness also needs magic users to operate some of the conveniences in the village."

"Schools were established to teach effective magic use in various fields."

"Individuals are sent to the Magic Towers of Gods, where they inherit artifacts or magic-related knowledge. Most people who can use magic are somehow related to angels, demons, heroes, gods, or other ancient races. As a result, they can inherit objects or magic related to their lineage in the tower. For example, the current emperor of our kingdom inherited the holy sword from a legendary hero. However, due to the dilution of the bloodline, he can only use a part of its full power."

And thus, Kevin explained various general knowledge related to the world.

As the class ended, a wave of excitement filled the room.

"I'll be an adventurer," said one.

"I'll be a hero," declared another.

"I'll become a priest," voiced a third.

After Kevin’s lecture, while returning, Tia mused, ‘Heroes and angels?’

‘Hmm, maybe Vina and I are descendants of some heroes or angels.’


‘Demon kin who inherited demon bloodlines?’




‘If I think back to it, the reason why mother is still feeding her milk, and the reason why we feel weakened whenever we don’t drink mother’s breast milk, is it possible that it is a drawback due to us being someone of demon’s bloodline?

‘If descendants of vampires need to drink some blood from time to time to sustain themselves, what kind of demons will require them to keep drinking their mother’s milk to sustain themselves?

‘I don't see my Sera drinking her mother’s milk anymore. Maybe it is only till we reach adulthood.

‘But, are we really of Demon Kin?’


Copyright © [2023] [The Rainy Imp]. All rights reserved.

As the sun began to set, Benedict and Kevin closed the church for the day, puzzled by the gathering crowd, including Sera.

"What happened?" Benedict asked.

"Our children haven't returned. Are they still playing?" a concerned parent questioned.

"But they left the church a while ago," Benedict explained.

"But they haven't come home. What happened?" another parent asked.

At that moment, an injured soldier arrived, shouting, "Madam Baroness, Sir Benedict, everyone! Someone has kidnapped the kids." The people made way for the soldier, who was being supported by another.

Sera, worried, asked for details. The soldier explained witnessing workers nabbing the children and hiding them in a large cloth bag. He tried to intervene but was injured.

"Calm down, everyone," Sera commanded, despite her own worry. "Benson, send someone to get the records from the gate, then assemble all the guards in the village here."

"Yes," Guard Benson left following Sera’s orders.

"Jonas, gather everyone who can fight here."


"Emma, form groups of women and search throughout the village again, just in case they are still within the village."

"Yes," Emma left.

After some time, people started to gather near the church. A guard at the gate arrived with a book.

"Madam, I have brought the record."

"Check to see who left the village with large bags, since this afternoon."

"Yes," the guard started to check the records.

"Madam, what is this?" Kevin asked.

"A lot of people have been hired from outside the village due to the workload. I made the guards at the gate record information regarding the people who came in and went out just as a precaution."

"Madam, I have found it. They are the people who came with Ethan's merchant group."

"Ethan," Sera clenched her fist and grit her teeth, a killing intent visible in her eyes.

"Madam, can you let us lead the guards?" Kevin requested, making Sera rein in her anger.


"I would like to take them into the woods. I might have an idea as to where they might be."

Sera looked into Kevin's eyes for some time and said, "Okay."

"Guards, follow Priest Kevin and Sir Benedict's orders."


Kevin led the guards and the group of strong men into the woods.

"The rest of you, get hold of whatever weapon you can think of and form groups to search the surrounding areas. Don’t let those bastards take our children."


"Emma, you lead them."


Receiving their orders, everyone left in search of the children.


Copyright © [2023] [The Rainy Imp]. All rights reserved.

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