With an icy gleam in her eyes, Sylveria charged forward, her rapier crackling with frigid energy. The demon general, seeing an opening, swung his own blade in a powerful arc aimed straight at Sylveria's torso. However, Isao intervened, utilizing her impressive drawing speed to swiftly draw Sylveria away. The princess found herself instantaneously teleported above the general, caught off-guard, the demon stumbled as Sylveria kicked his head, his momentum carrying through in a wild swing. The razor-sharp edge of his sword sliced deeply into the throne room's stone floor, sending a plume of dust into the air.
Sylveria, now perched precariously atop a gilded column, regrouped her thoughts, her breathing steady despite the close call. Below, the stunned general glanced up, realizing too late the error of his aggression.
"Crystal Swordsmanship: Absolute Zero!" Sylveria's cryo-attack descended upon the demon general like a frigid tempest. Icy tendrils shot forth from her beautiful rapier, seeking to ensnare and immobilize her foe. The general, however, proved to be more resilient than anticipated. His dark flesh resisted the crystalline bindings.
Isao seized the opportunity, performing another breathtaking teleportation. In the blink of an eye, she materialized behind the general, exchanging places with a lavender blossom that she scattered all around the room. With her elegant katana held high, Isao initiated her "Violet Wave" strike.
The sleek blade bit deep into the demon's spine, severing crucial tendons and nerve bundles. The general's legs buckled, his contorted scream echoing through the throne room as he crumpled to the ground, powerless.
Sylveria landed gracefully beside her companion, her emerald eyes assessing the battlefield. "Let's go support Isla in the-" Before Sylveria could complete her sentence, an eerie dark power erupted from the seemingly defeated demon general. His humanoid form cracked open, revealing a hulking monstrosity with jet-black skin and sinewy muscles. In his grip, a razor-sharp obsidian blade gleamed, ready to strike.
Isao and Sylveria were caught off-balance by the sudden onslaught, barely managing to evade the brutal force that blasted them backward. They scrambled to regain their footing, their gazes fixed warily on the transformed foe.
"Well, that certainly wasn't expected," Sylveria muttered, her eyes narrowing as she assessed their new adversary. Isao, however, seemed invigorated by the surprise. Her previously playful grin had given way to a stern, concentrated expression. "Sylv, support me." she commanded, adopting a more serious drawing stance. "Now!"
Isao unleashed her new technique, teleporting with each quick draw to deliver a relentless flurry of slashes, overwhelming the demon general. Whenever he tried to attack, a lavender flower would switch places with the target, leaving the demon general exposed and vulnerable. With each swift teleportation, Isao materialized behind the demon general, her razor-sharp katana cleaving through his defenses. Lavender flowers bloomed and wilted in the blink of an eye as she switched places with each strike, overwhelming the monstrosity with sheer speed and unpredictability.
Meanwhile, Sylveria launched a relentless assault, her crystalline rapier leaving trails of shimmering ice wherever it slashed. Each strike froze a portion of the demon's body, immobilizing limbs and rendering attacks sluggish along with slowing down his regeneration.
Isao's unique magic worked in tandem with Sylveria's cryogenic abilities, systematically dismantling the demon general's resistance. As the battle raged on, the air grew thick with frost and the acrid stench of charred lavender.
"Isao, teleport me in front of the demon!" Sylveria commanded. Isao instantly complied, swapping Sylveria with a lavender flower. Already in mid-action, Sylveria drove her rapier into the demon general's chest, freezing its torso.
The demon general countered with his fist full of dark energy, but Isao acted swiftly. She used her swapping magic to exchange positions with Sylveria just before the attack landed. Now in Sylveria's place, Isao was already mid-air, spinning into a powerful rolling slash that collided with the demon general's fist.
"Lavender Swordsmanship: Violet Visions!" she declared as her blade struck.
The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the chamber, shaking loose chunks of masonry from the vaulted ceiling. Even as the two fighters rebounded from their violent encounter, Isao's "Violet Visions" technique came to life, conjuring a dazzling array of lavender-hued afterimages confusing the Demon and giving Isao enough time to sheath her katana and focus intensely.
"Lavender Swordsmanship: Thousand Slashes!" Isao cried out. Her movements became a whirlwind of speed, her form vanishing and reappearing in flashes of motion. Each teleportation, marked by a lavender flower, brought her to a vulnerable spot on the demon general's body, where her katana struck with unerring precision. The air buzzed with the rapid, razor-sharp slashes. Caught off guard, the demon general staggered backward, his dark form riddled with crisscrossing wounds from Isao's relentless assault.
Meanwhile, Sylveria gathered her energy, channeling it into her rapier for her most powerful move. Blood trickled from her nose and eyes as the strain on her body became overwhelming, her muscles screaming in protest as though they were being torn apart. Her sapphire eyes shone with a chilling brilliance, and the surrounding air turned piercingly cold, an icy aura emanating from her as she prepared to unleash her devastating strike.
"Crystal Swordsmanship: Diamond Zero!" she declared. With a swift thrust, her rapier unleashed a blast of powerful icy beam, capable of reducing anything they struck to diamond dust. She hoped it would be enough to kill the demon general.
Before Sylveria's attack landed, Isao swiftly teleported to her side, avoiding the devastating strike. The Demon General let out a piercing scream as Sylveria's powerful skill struck him directly.