Days passed in a blur of treatments and tender ministrations as Isao and Sylveria slowly regained the use of their once-languid limbs. A skilled masseur worked wonders on their knotted muscles, while a devout priestess invoked healing prayers, and a nurturing nurse tended to their every need.
Under this careful regimen, the duo gradually progressed from feeble stirrings to halting movements, their progress marked by small victories and tentative steps toward recovery. Even as they faced the challenge of rebuilding their strength, the pair remained a source of warmth and camaraderie within the palace walls, their bond stronger than ever in the face of adversity.
"Sigh... I wonder when Isla will wake up," Isao said solemnly. Both she and Sylveria missed their friend, who had been unconscious for nearly four months.
"I hope it's soon," Sylveria replied, gazing fondly at Isla's peaceful face. "I still can't believe she was reckless enough to ask Marybelle for holy mana, knowing it’s poison to her body. But even so, it's amazing that she managed to defeat two demon generals." Though sorrow tinged her voice, there was a glimmer of admiration in Sylveria's eyes as she reflected on Isla's bravery.
A few days have passed and a faint rustle of fabric, a soft sigh, and the slight movement of fingers—subtle signs of life stirred around Isla’s bed. After months of stillness, her once-vibrant spirit was finally resurfacing. Isao and Sylveria, ever watchful, immediately noticed the change. Their hearts pounded as they lean in, hesitantly reaching out to touch Isla’s pale skin, searching for proof that she was truly waking up. "Isla... can you hear us?" Sylveria whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "We've missed you so much."
"It hurts... My body... I can't move... So stiff..." Isla muttered, her usual aloof expression tinged with annoyance. She longed for a good meal but couldn't even sit up. "She's really awake, Sylv!" Isao gasped. "I-I'll go call the head maid and let everyone know!" she said, rushing out of the room.
Moments later, Isla's parents rushed into the room, tears streaming down their faces as they embraced her. Unable to move, Isla simply looked away with her usual aloof expression. "Sorry for making you worry again..." she said softly. Her words brought solace to their anxious hearts. They had feared the worst, only to be rewarded with the miraculous return of their child. "It's not your fault, sweetie," her mother whispered, pressing a tender kiss to Isla's forehead. "We just want you to rest and recover fully. We're here for you, always." Isla's gaze remained fixed away from the emotional reunion, her stoic exterior masking the deep affection simmering beneath. Though she might not wear her heart on her sleeve, the quiet devotion in her tone and the faint curve of her lips spoke volumes about the love she harbored for her family.
After enough rest, Sylveria and Isao are almost fully recovered, their bodily function almost like before. Meanwhile Isla's body is slightly stiff since she woke up late than her two friends "I can't believe I'm stuck eating light food." Isla said with an aloof expression as the two have some tea while Isla eats her congee that has no taste at all because of the doctor's suggestions.
"Isla, so how did you beat the 2nd demon general? We only heard that you asked Marybelle to lend you holy mana" Sylveria asked, "When big sis blondie Marybelle lent me her holy mana, I felt like I could use my 'Sword Saint Swordsmanship' just like in our previous world," Isla said calmly. "So, I used 'Sky Splitter' with 'Saint Swordsmanship,' and it worked—I split the sky along with the demon general." Isao and Sylveria exchanged knowing glances. They were well aware of how deadly Isla’s techniques had been in their past world, where she reigned as the 'Sword Saint.' In reality, Sky Splitter was a basic technique compared to her true abilities. Heaven Splitter had once destroyed multiple heavenly realms, while True Sky Splitter could slice through the sky itself, revealing celestial bodies for mere seconds before the heavens returned to normal. Isla's dismissive tone belied the intensity of her earlier clash, as if casually referencing her prodigious feats in a past life. Isao nodded knowingly, familiar with the immense power her friend was capable of wielding. In contrast, the mere recollection of Sylveria's icy onslaught, coupled with Isao's elegant swordplay, brought vivid reminders of the exhausting toll their borrowed abilities had exacted on their recovering bodies.
"I understand the allure of tapping into those strengths," Sylveria conceded," but we mustn't neglect our current limitations. Every battle drains us further, and we can't afford to overexert ourselves, not yet."
Isla huffed, setting her spoon aside with an air of petulance. "Light foods are insufferable. When can I expect to indulge in proper cuisine again?" She shot a pleading look at her companions, silently hoping they might have some insight into a solution to her gastronomic predicament. "Sigh... Oh Isla..." Sylveria's said, "HAHAHAHA! That's our Isla! Ahahaha!" resigned sigh mingled with the musical laughter of her irrepressible companion, Isao. The princess could hardly blame her friend for prioritizing sustenance above strategic planning, given Isla's notorious lack of discipline when it came to her appetite. Still, they needed to address the girl's physical well-being first and foremost.
"Let's consult the medical staff," Sylveria said, rising from her seat. "Perhaps they can assess Isla's condition and recommend a suitable diet." Sebastian, ever attentive, hastened to their side, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "Shall I arrange an appointment with the royal physicians, Your Highnesses?" he inquired, his tone respectful yet alert to the urgency of their request. Isla's ears perked up at the mention of proper food, her gaze darting eagerly between Sylveria and Sebastian, her mouth drooling from thinking about juicy meaty foods serve in the castle.
Later, the physicians arrived to check on Isla.
"So, can I eat now? Maybe some juicy, tender meat? Or meat soup?" Isla asked eagerly. The physicians, a bespectacled woman and a stout man with a bushy beard, exchanged wary glances at Isla’s eager request. They were familiar with her peculiarities, but her enthusiasm for meat never failed to surprise them. "We understand your excitement, Miss Isla," the woman said calmly, "but we need to take things slow. Your body is still recovering, and eating rich foods too soon could cause complications." Isla’s shoulders slumped in disappointment, but she managed to keep her composure. Her eyes narrowed in thought before she sighed. "Fine," she relented, though a small pout formed on her lips. "So, what can I eat for now? Ah- I guess I could only eat soft juicy meat base on what you said " Isla said with a shinning eye. Isao and Sylveria were dumbfounded as how did Isla reach that conclusion
The physicians blinked in unison, momentarily stunned by Isla's swift comprehension of their carefully crafted recommendations. The bespectacled woman opened her mouth to provide clarification, but Isao intervened with a knowing smirk. "Soft and juicy, huh? Sounds like she's already envisioning a succulent steak, doc," the mischievous girl chimed in, her tone dripping with teasing amusement. Sylveria, trying to salvage the situation, gently corrected her friend's assumptions. "Well, the key is moderation, Isla. We should aim for balanced meals rather than indulging in overly rich fare." Isla flashed a triumphant grin, seemingly unfazed by Sylveria's reminder. "Balanced it is, then. And who knows? Maybe a bit of fatty trim here and there won't hurt." The physicians, despite their initial shock, found themselves charmed by Isla's matter-of-fact approach to their advice.
Sylveria, understanding Isla's needs and cravings. She instructed Sebastian to procure the requested delicacy - tender, soft meat, though in moderation to appease the physicians' concerns. As the loyal butler scurried off to fulfill his duty, Isla's eyes sparkled with anticipation, a telling sign of her unquenchable hunger.
When Sebastian returned, tray in hand, Isla wasted no time devouring the offered morsels with gusto. Each bite seemed to transport her to a realm of culinary bliss, her senses alight with the sublime texture and flavor. Though still constrained by the need to balance her diet. As Isla ate, Sylveria watched with a knowing smile, pleased to see her friend's satisfaction. "Feel better, Isla?" she asked, concern and delight mingling in her tone.
"Sylv... this is sooo good! Meat is the best~" Isla cried, tears of joy streaming down her face comedically. Isao burst into laughter.
"By the way, Isao, I heard your family is coming to visit now that you're awake," Sylveria said.
"Yeah... They didn't come right away, probably because Mom and Dad were busy. But I don't mind. The doctor said they visited me often while I was in a coma," Isao replied happily...