In the tranquil gardens of the Lavender Manor, Isao, the youngest and most delicate member of the noble family, frolicked amidst the vibrant blooms, her long raven tresses cascading down her back like a waterfall of night. Her porcelain complexion glowed with an ethereal light, reflecting the joy that radiated from her very essence. "La la~ flower picking is such delightful fun!" Isao cooed, her melodic voice carrying on the gentle breeze. Unbeknownst to Isao, her siblings, both skilled spear handlers, observed her with amusement, their eyes crinkling at the corners as they suppressed their chuckles.
Unlike her brothers, Isao possessed no affinity for the spears which is the Lavender family's hallmark. Instead, a secret passion burned within her - a longing for the elegance and deadliness of the katana.
Alas, this desire remained hidden, for the Lavenders viewed their daughter as a precious gem, destined to adorn some nobleman's arm or perhaps even a royal court. Her parents, while not disappointed in her lack of martial prowess, simply did not understand the depths of Isao's yearning for the katana's sleek lines and deadly precision.
As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the garden, Isao's thoughts turned to her cherished dream. "Father," she approached him with a radiant smile, "might I persuade you to acquire a katana and wakizashi for me?" Her father, taken aback by the request, hesitated before responding, "My dear, those weapons are quite rare in our land. They're more commonly associated with eastern cultures. Are you certain you wouldn't prefer something more...traditional for a lady of our standing?" Lord Lavender, a slim muscular man with a bushy beard, chuckled heartily at his daughter's request. He ruffled her long black hair affectionately. "You know your place, don't you? As the youngest and only daughter, your future lies in marrying well and bringing honor to our name. Not wielding blades and getting your delicate hands dirty." Isao's smile faltered, her porcelain cheeks flushing with disappointment. She knew her father's words were true, yet a part of her yearned for the freedom and power that came with mastering a katana. "Perhaps, Father, if I showed you my skill with a blade, you would reconsider?" she suggested, trying to appeal to his pride as a nobleman. Lord Lavender raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "Very well, my dear." With a determined gleam in her eyes, Isao withdrew a carefully crafted wooden wakizashi from her sleeve, its smooth surface bearing testament to the four months of painstaking labor that had gone into its creation. Though devoid of a sword guard, the replica of wakizashi symbolized her unwavering dedication to mastering the art of swordsmanship.
"Alright then, I'm ready!" Isao declared; her usual sweet demeanor replaced by a solemn intensity as she gripped the wooden hilt firmly. Her father, renowned for his expertise with the spear, drew his own makeshift practice weapon, a nod to their shared intent. A flicker of trepidation crossed Isao's face as she assumed a fighting stance, the weight of her secret training settling upon her shoulders. Though she had diligently worked to develop her abilities, the void left by her missing spirit weapon was keenly felt. The unique flow and precision of her "Flower Swordsmanship"
Lord Lavender circled his daughter, the tips of his spear pointing slightly downward, indicating a cautious approach. He was taken aback by Isao's eagerness and her decision to hold her own makeshift practice weapon, despite its imperfections. In truth, he found himself curious about the depths of his youngest child's interest in weapons. Isao, meanwhile, tried to quell the nervous flutter in her stomach. She was acutely aware of the limitations of her wooden Wakizashi compared to the elegant, balanced katana she'd glimpsed in books and held in her previous life. Without the resonance of a genuine spirit weapon, her techniques felt clunky and unrestrained.
However, her resolve hardened, fueled by the burning desire to prove herself worthy of wielding a true katana someday. With a determined glint in her eyes, Isao adopted a drawing posture, gripping her wooden wakizashi tightly. The silence stretched taut between father and daughter, anticipation building with each passing second.
With a resolute stride, Isao launched herself toward her father, her lithe form moving with the grace of a willow in the breeze. Her wooden wakizashi danced in her hand, its edge whispering through the air as she employed the fluid, unorthodox techniques of her self-styled "Lavender Swordsmanship: Elegant Violet."
"Fuh-uuu-uuu-" Isao's soft voice rose to a crescendo as she wove a mesmerizing pattern of strikes, petals from the nearby lavender blooms exploding in a shower of purple confetti with each decisive blow.
Lord Lavender's eyes widened in shock as the delicate lavender petals exploded around him, sending a cloud of fragrant dust into the air. He coughed, momentarily blinded, and stumbled back in surprise.
That brief lapse in attention proved costly, as Isao seized the opportunity to strike. With a fluid, almost ethereal motion, she closed the distance between them, her wooden Wakizashi flashing in the sunlight. The blade arced toward Lord Lavender's exposed chest, aimed with deadly precision. But just as the attack seemed certain to land, Lord Lavender recovered, his reflexes honed by years of martial training. With a deft flick of his wrist, he parried Isao's strike, the wooden spear intercepting the Wakizashi with a resounding "thunk". Isao gasped, her momentum carrying her forward until she collided with her father's broad chest. The impact sent them both stumbling back.
Laughing lightly, Lord Lavender dusted himself off, his eyes twinkling with admiration for his youngest child's unexpected display of skill. "Well, I must admit, your secret talents are quite impressive, Isao." he acknowledged, a warm smile spreading across his face. He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "As for your request... I might consider it, provided you continue to hone your skills and prove yourself worthy of such prestigious weapons. For now, let's say... you've earned a visit to the capital, where you can witness authentic katana craftsmanship firsthand."
Isao's face lit up with excitement, her earlier disappointment melting away. "Really?! Oh thank you, Father! I promise I won't disappoint you!" Isao's two elder brothers, who had witnessed the impromptu duel from the sidelines, exchanged astonished glances. They had always known their sister to be clumsy with a spear, never suspecting the depth of her aptitude for the elegant art of katana wielding. The realization that her aversion to short swords and spear stemmed from a preference for longer, lighter blades struck them as both surprising and amusing. "A Katana and Wakizashi? That's incredible!" Kite and Ali exclaimed.