As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow across the castle veranda, Isao, Isla, and Sylveria engaged in their tea and snack routine, offering a moment of respite amidst the impending uncertainty. From their vantage point, the hustle and bustle of military preparations provided a visible reminder of the gravity of their situation. Amidst the commotion, many royals were seen busily attending to their duties, preparing for whatever lay ahead. Isla's remark punctuated the scene, her voice laced with wonder at the sight before them. "Wow, the military is being readied in full force already, despite the Demon King not yet doing something large..."
Turning to face his companions, Isao posed a pertinent question, seeking Sylveria's counsel in light of their own constraints. "Since we can't take part in the upcoming conflict, what do you think we should do, Sylv?"
Sylveria sipped her tea, her brow furrowed in thought as she surveyed the bustling courtyard below. "Given our circumstances, engaging directly in combat may not be wise. However, there are still ways we can contribute."
She set her cup down, fixing Isao and Isla with a determined gaze. "As the queen's personal guards, our primary duty is to protect her majesty at all costs. In times of turmoil, the royal family's safety becomes paramount. We must remain vigilant and ready to defend the princesses and princes, should any threat arise within the castle walls." Sylveria's lips curved into a small, knowing smile. "Well, then let's go back to the adventurers guild and register as adventurers. Hopefully nothing in particular will happen like last time. Also, once we become adventurers, we can do our own investigations and could eliminate potential threats" Sylveria said with a scoff. The trio exchanged excited glances, Sylveria's suggestion hitting the mark. Registering as adventurers would grant them the freedom to operate independently, allowing them to investigate potential threats and deal with them discreetly.
"As much as I'd love to dive straight into danger, we should probably gather some information first." Isao cautioned, ever the pragmatist. "Perhaps visit the local guildmaster and inquire about any rumors or leads on demonic activity in the area." Isla nodded vigorously, her brown hair bouncing. "And we should make sure to acquire proper equipment and gear for adventuring. No telling what we might encounter out there!" Sylveria smirked, a hint of mischief dancing in her ice-blue eyes. "Well, at the very least, we can indulge in some decent meals and tavern entertainment while we're in town. A bit of revelry never hurt anyone, after all." The trio are excited as they never tasted tavern food.
Unbeknownst to the trio, Veldina had been trailing them discreetly after spotting their energetic dash through the town streets. With a mix of curiosity and amusement, she observed from a distance as they approached the Adventurer's Guild.
Isao's enthusiasm was palpable as she addressed the receptionist, her words brimming with excitement. "We'd like to register as adventurers, please!" The receptionist's eyes widened in recognition, her gaze settling on Isla with a hint of wariness. It was no secret that the young girl had a history of destructive outbursts, most infamously exemplified by the incident involving the guild's building, courtesy of Clemente's provocative taunts. The receptionist wasted no time in resolving the matter, efficiently bankrupting Clemente's account and assigning him responsibility for the insults hurled at the royal family and their educators. "Ah, you must be the... unusual trio from before. Yes, we can indeed process your registration as adventurers." She gestured to a parchment on her desk, pen poised.
Clemente, nursing a mug of ale at the bar, snickered at Isao. "Heh, looks like those brats can dish it out as well as take it. Too bad their 'teachers' are such morons, huh?" Isla's brown eyes flashed with irritation, her grip tightening on her newly acquired short sword. "Shut up, curly perm. You learned your lesson the last time, and you'll learn it again if you continue spewing insults." As the receptionist finished documenting their information, Sylveria shot Clemente a warning glance. "Behave yourself, adventurer. Or else you might find yourself facing our wrath once more." Just as Sylveria was about to step forward, her attention snapped to Veldina, whose unexpected arrival sent a ripple of surprise through the tense atmosphere.
"Oh, Veldina! You're back!" exclaimed the receptionist, aware that the infamous adventurer was none other than a renowned companion and drinking buddy of Clemente, despite their vastly disparate rankings - Veldina boasted five black stars, while Clemente languished at a paltry seven normal stars. As the receptionist's words died away, Veldina stepped forward, her voice icy with disdain as she addressed Clemente, catching him entirely off-guard. "Did you just have the audacity to insult the teachers and instructors of the Royal family, MY family?" Her accusing gaze bore into Clemente, who floundered under the weight of Veldina's presence, his earlier bravado evaporating in the face of her undisputed authority and familial connections. His posture immediately stiffened, his beer mug halfway to his lips. He recognized the cold, venomous edge to Veldina's voice, a warning sign that his drunken boasting had reached a sensitive subject.
"No, no, Vel- er, Princess Veldina!" Clemente stuttered, panic rising in his chest as he realized the precarious position he was in. "I was just... uh... jesting with some young adventurers. Didn't mean any disrespect to your esteemed family." Veldina's amber eyes bored into him, her stare piercing like a dagger. "Careful, Climente Volksak." she hissed, using his full name with unmistakable menace. "Don't think our friendship immunizes you from the consequences of your idiocy." The receptionist, observing the tense exchange, leaned back in her chair, a hint of amusement twinkling in her eyes. "Looks like someone owes the royal family an apology, eh?"
Without missing a beat, Veldina released her grip on Clementine's collar, allowing him to stumble back before continuing on her intended path. However, the sudden intrusion had already sent the trio scattering, their haste prompted by the intimidating figure they knew all too well.
"Sylv! You didn't tell us your sister is an adventurer- you dumbass!" Isao exclaimed as she run beside Sylveria, Isla clutched tightly in their arms. The princess's countenance remained stoic, a picture of annoyance at being jostled about rather than any genuine concern over their predicament. "I didn't know, fool! We weren't exactly close, considering she abandoned us for her adventuring lifestyle!" Sylveria retorted breathlessly as they run through the cobblestone streets to escape Veldina.
Finally reaching the tranquil confines of the plaza's central fountain, they collapse against its edge, the two youngsters gasped for air, their exertions temporarily spent. Breathless and laughing except for Isla who's aloof and looking at the fountain, their earlier fears and worries momentarily forgotten in the sheer exhilaration of their escapade. Water splashed as Isao playfully dunked Isla's head beneath the surface, eliciting an indignant squeal from the brown hair commoner. Sylveria shook her head, a rueful grin on her usually stoic features. "I suppose I underestimated my sister." she admitted, wiping moisture from her eyes.
"But honestly, did you really think Veldina would be so lenient with Clemente's insults?" Isao challenged, tossing a wet strand of hair out of her face. "That princess has a bite worse than any monster!"
Back in the guild...
"My apologies for the disruptions caused by my younger sibling during my absence. I've learned through Violet, the receptionist, that one of her associates cut our guild premises in half, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake - a fact that distresses me immensely. If I may also inquire, where might I find the current Sword Hero?" Veldina asked.
Balmund, the veteran guildmaster, nodded graciously as Veldina approached his desk. His weathered face creased into a mixture of surprise and appreciation at her directness. "Ah, Princess Veldina, an honor to speak with you again. I trust your inquiry regarding the Sword Hero is of grave importance?"
Veldina's expression turned serious, her gaze sharp as she leaned in closer. "Indeed, Master Balmund. We have reason to believe that the Demon King has risen. I understand your guild maintains ties with several prominent heroes across the continent. Can you enlighten me on the Sword Hero's current whereabouts and pursuits?" Balmund's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the Demon King, but he quickly composed himself, offering a knowing nod. "Very well, Princess. With a thoughtful nod, Balmund relayed his intentions to dispatch a messenger to apprise the Sword Hero of the current situation, acknowledging the gravity of the matters at hand. Seizing the opportunity to share additional insights, Veldina extracted a photograph from her inventory and handed it to the guildmaster, her voice taking on a reflective quality as she recounted her recent exploits. "To be honest, the enigma surrounding the Fallen Hero continues to intrigue me. During my stay in the central continent, it became clear that he was once the champion wielder of the fabled True Holy Sword. His precipitous fall, however, seems linked to the royal family's rejection of his humble origins. As is often the case, members of the nobility often struggle to accept a commoner as their savior, leading to the type of sabotage and assassination..."
Balmund studied the image Veldina presented, his brow furrowing in concentration. The tale she spun painted a grim picture of political machinations and societal prejudices contributing to the Fallen Hero's downfall.