It was 7 when I had arrived home. Considering no sounds coming from the house, I knew that everyone was still at the festival. I slowly trudged towards the kitchen and scanned the fridge for something to eat. After finding some left over pizza, I put it in the microwave and went to settle in the couch.
Though I was fully awake, my mind was drifting to the cloak I saw at the festival. It was pestering me to figure out if it was really my figment of imagination, but I was scared for some reason. If so, there was something awfully wrong with my mind and I needed help.
If not so.?
The doorbell at the front door interrupted my train of thoughts. I opened the door to find Jordan standing with some pies. Normally, I would have felt happy looking at food, but strangely, today I had this unsettled feeling from the time we left the festival and Jordan's strange behavior didn't help it.
"What's for dinner?. I bought some pies and downloaded some movies to watch", Jordan said while entering the living room and settling himself comfortably in the couch.
Scratch that Jordan behavior is usually strange. I am over thinking after that little incident.
"I reheated pizza for dinner.", I said and pulled the heated pizza out of the microwave. "Great", Jordan mumbled while setting the TV. After savoring the pizza and pie, we settled in the couch watching rerun of Big Bang Theory.
"Jordan", I asked softly.
"What did you do?", I asked raising my eyebrows.
"What did I do?", he diverted his attention from tv .
"Obviously you did something to Eva . It isn't you, if you don't have the end rope of the prank wars. Tell me, what did you do?", I asked accusingly.
Jordan smirked. "I didn't do anything, gracy. It hurts, you my best friend, doesn't trust me. Even so we don't know what's in store for us, do we?", he said wiggling his eyebrows and placing his hand on his heart.
I knew that he intended to say something more in there. But my overdrive mind wasn't analyzing it properly, having me to let go.
School was just hell for me and Monday was a dreadful day to begin with, as many who saw me as nothing but an entertainment, come up with new ideas over the weekend. Chestertown school was just a 10 minutes walk from our residence. Usually Violet and I walked together while catching up with the things happening in our lives, but as she grew up and started making more friends, I became a tiresome sister to her. So, she started leaving 10 minutes after I leave for school with Jordan, even if that made her late for first hour class.
After taking my books for my first hour class, I closed the locker and turned to face the person who gives me migraine just by looking. "Hey Grace, heard you stuffed your face in the burger parlor. What guy will even glance at you if look like a sack potato. You are just a disgrace", Crystal told me with a smirk on her face.
Seriously, why does she think that I want boys to notice me?
Crystal Parker, cheer captain of Chestertown High. She was a feet taller than me with waist in the size of my fist. Her tanned skin perfectly suited her small face and shoulder length black hair making her amber eyes more prominent. When you looked at her doll face and porcelain body, the first thought that comes to you was delicate, until she opens her mouth.
Well, her mouth was also pretty..bad. If she didn't like someone--for some unknown reason she chose me-- she would even dig them up from their grave just to humiliate them.Crystal was the 'it' girl of the school, where boys would die just to date her for a week.
Stupid? ..I know.
Even the school management and the faculties have a genuine fondness for her, considering her father was town sheriff and her mother had clinic to help the town people. If only they knew what their daughter did to me.
They only saw her appearance and her fake concern she has for the people around her. She wasone of the finest thespian I had ever seen, changing her demeanor in a blink. Even her acquaintance knew about her nasty temper and tantrums, yet they stay by her side for popularity and recognition. Before I could even come up with a sortie, the first hour bell rang.
"See you later, sack."
"Shit", her 'see you later's never ended well.Guess I have to hide today.When I went to the class Eva was sitting on the side sulking, looking outside the window.
"Hey Ev", I said while sitting behind her desk.
"Hey grace", she said in desultory.
When I looked outside the window, Jordan was talking with Elijah and other team members. "What did Jordan do?", I asked knowingly. She then turned around, "I am grounded for a week. Jordan put paint balls set up in the car trunk. When dad opened it for putting things in it, the paint exploded on his suit. Apparently, he was already running late for his meeting and being a nuisance of a child I decided to play this prank on him. He just grounded me without my aver. What a lawyer.", She said.
That evil bastard..Wait ..So, thats why he told about the store.
"I am so sorry. I swear I really didn't know. That asshole didn't say anything when I asked him what was he up to", I said while growling at that monster of a friend through the window.
"It isn't your fault, Grace", she said before the class started and showing me smile that it didn't matter. Even Eva doesn't care about things others opted, I knew the only thing that she cared was her parents opinion on her. Mr.Campbell was a sweet person but working him up until to ground someone takes true work.
I quickly texted Jordan.
"You win, bro. That is one sick prank you pulled on Mr.Campbell and making Eva grounded"
After few seconds he replied back,"I never disappoint yet a little since it was Mr.Campbell who found what was in the store 😉".I knew that he would be smirking now.
The classes were awfully slow and considering it was only Monday, added more weight to the dread. When the lunch bell rang indicating the end of our arts class, we went to cafeteria. All this time, I had only one thought, how to avoid Crystal. That girl was devil disguised as an angel. It was not like I was afraid of her, not when Eva was by my side, its just I didn't want to add more drama and become a laughing stock.
Even when I was numb by such humiliation, Crystal just hits the smallest hole in the wall for impact. After eating some chicken nuggets and fruit cocktail with Eva,while Jordan and Elijah went to discuss about the upcoming scholarship member selection with their coach, I decided to do my math homework so I could have more time to do other works. I took my bag to take my math notes out..