Chapter 8 - The discovery

Jordan's POV:

It was already a hectic day. After attending the classes till lunch, the boys gathered to meet our coach about the upcoming scholarship selection from UCLA. After the dates for the selection have been declared, the training was getting more and more arduous. I knew that every member of our soccer team had a dream of going to UCLA.

Who doesn't?

"Guys. We have to extend our training period. The UCLA team representatives are coming for selection during the interschool competitions. They will be evaluating you on various basis like your team work, your timely thinkingand footwork etc. Even only 3 will be selected from each school I want to make it tough for them to choose among you. Get it together guys. GO.. GO.. start your warm up now ! ", Our coach said clapping his hands and commanding us to warm up in the ground.

After dismissing from our coach we all went to the ground for our warm up. After an hour of warmups, we started our practice. During the practice Elijah nudged me. I looked at him questioningly, then he pointed towards the parking lot with--concern?

When I looked around there were two figuresstanding in the parking lot, more said they were girls. I thought that Elijah being Elijah pointed towards the girls he found interesting .When I moved around the edge of field I made eye contact with one of the girls.


Her face was tear stained and her hair was a mess. The shocking look that crossed her face and her foot nervously tapping the ground while talking to Eva gave away that something bad happened. I signaled the guys to continue and started walking towards Grace, she suddenly panicked and started pulling Eva towards the school gates.

"Grace", I called crossing the first lane of the parking lot. As on cue, she started sprinting taking Eva with her. I started running towards them.

"GRACE !", my voice boomed but Grace didn't bother to stop. I was close to them but Grace was already gone and Eva was walking towards me.

"What happened? Why is she crying? Did anyone bully her?", I started raining questions on Eva.

"Ahm...", Eva stuttered.

"TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED RIGHT NOW, EV !", I started shouting in annoyance.

"She has periods pain..that's ..that's why...we are leaving", Eva said without making eye contact clearly indicating see was lying.

"What?", I asked knitting my eyebrows together.

"Yes", She said more confidently and finally made eye contact, "She needs some time alone".

"Okay", I couldn't pressure her more for information. If anything at all, I knew Grace would tell me herself. When I went to the field Elijah came running up to me and asked, "What happened to Grace?"

"Nothing, some girl problems ", I casually shrugged and sent a text to Grace saying I would like to talk to her tonight.

Time was 7 when I reached home. Mom was already cooking dinner for all of us since it would be the get together night for the adult Swans.

"Hey Mom", I said as I entered the kitchen.

"Hey....Eww God You stink like your father...GO and freshen up ", My mom told scrunching her nose.


After taking a good bath, I entered the kitchen. All the food was packed for the girls. Sometimes, I felt that they were kids of the house and not me.

"You gonna eat here or take it there, honey? ", My mom asked while taking all the packed food to the living room.

"I am gonna eat there mom, pack mine too"

The moment I entered the Swan house, I found Violet watching TV, with a sulky expression. After I placed the food in the kitchen I went straight to Violet.

"What happened, Vi?"

"Many things happened and nothing among that concerns you Jordan", she said non-chalantly looking at the TV.

Not this way then...

I stood covering the TV, "Now tell me what happened?"

"Why do you care, Jordan. WHY DO YOU CARE?", Violet was grinding her teeth.

I slowly placed my hands on her shoulder.

"Because you are my sister". It took a few minutes and Violet burst into tears.

"I can't do this Jord. Grace really embarrassed me today. All I want her to stand for herself but no one is understanding it. When I toldmom about she started blaming me for no reason. Why Grace have to make my life difficult?", Eva was mumbling into my shirt.

"What are you talking about Violet? How in the hell did Grace embarrass you? Did something happen today?", I asked encouraging her to tell me more.

"I don't know what happened exactly but my friends told me, she started crying after seeing an insect in her bag and when I was arguing with mom about it and I saw Grace in the stairs crying. All she does is cry", she said wiping her tears.

"What exactly were you arguing with your mom?"

"About how Grace embarrass all of us and.I..I told mom I never wish I had..."

"What the hell Violet?Why are you doing all of this? Grace is your f*cking sister. You knew she was standing in the stairs. Why would you deliberately hurt her? Seriously, what is wrong with you ?", I asked her frustrated.

"You want to know what my problem is? My problem is that my sister is robbing my parents from me. My own sister embarrass me by being a coward. I told you, you wouldn't understand. She made you think that I am the wrong one here." She rushed towards her room and shut her door. I was standing in the living room blankly staring at the direction Violet went.

I didn't know what happened, even Grace didn't know what happened that caused this sudden change in Violet. Ever since the beginning of middle school, she was acting strange but hurting Grace was something very serious in consideration.

I slowly climbed the stairs towards the Grace's bedroom. There was one thing that cheered her -food.I knocked the door gently.

"Grace. Its me"

She didn't answer me. After a minute I slowly entered the room

"Grace", I whispered thinking not to startle her from sleep. The room was pitch black, I was not able to see anything, so I turned on the lights. There she was lying in the middle of the room at an awkward angle and blood coming from her nose.

"GRACE! ", I ran towards her shaking her violently to wake her up. She wasn't responding. I searched for water and sprayed on her.

Still no response.

My heart was drumming and squeezing at the thought of something happening to Grace.

I immediately called the paramedics and informed them about the condition and the address. I started checking her body for any cuts and inspected the room for any pill she had taken previously.

I was holding her tightly. The thought of checking her pulse sent me shivers. When I touched her pulse, it was beating faintly and her breathing was very slowly. I could feel her leaving me.

What shocked me was the blood from the nose was oozing, wetting the cottons I've plucked in there.

"Grace..Please..wake up please. You are scaring me.", My eyes started tearing automatically.

I didn't know how long I sat next to her tightly holding her like a doll when some people burst into the room with stretcher and mask.

Seeing Grace unconscious in the stretcher made me nauseous and I felt like fainting. My head was throbbing and I couldn't register anything as my eyes were sternly fixed on Grace.

When we went down, my parents were already near the ambulance. "What happened? ", My mom asked with terror.

All I could do was cry. My dad and I accompanied Grace to the hospital. During the entire journey, the medics were injecting Grace and trying to wake her up.

"Dad, we have to tell their parents? ", I said without any emotions.

"I told mom to inform them".

I nodded looking at my sister. I was thankful that my dad didn't pry about the information. Even when I wanted to tell them, I couldn't.

By the time we reached hospital, Grace parents were already there.

"Oh my god .GRACE !!", aunt swan started crying hysterically and uncle swan was looking at her horrified. Its been an hour since the treatment started, doctors who treated her told that she was okay and more tests had to be done for further details.

Uncle swan approached us, "I think you guys should go home"

"No, I am not leaving Grace alone", I said stubbornly. No way in the world I was leaving that girl alone.

"No son, you are going and I want you take rest. I know it took a toll on you but I want you to trust us. If anything happens here, you will be first person to know.". Then he looked at my Dad.

"Take him home Alex. I don't how I should repay you guys for saving my daughter. Thank you", Uncle swan said emotionally. "Its fine Nick. Grace is like our daughter", My dad consoled him by hugging. Suddenly I started feeling giddy.

Maybe I should take some rest.

When we reached home, Violet was sobbing in my mom's arm. A sense of anger passed through me while looking at her. I fisted my arm and started walking towards my bedroom slamming the door.

Next morning, I went to school early to complete my work. Today UCLA representatives are coming for an interview. When Ithought about bunking the interview, mom put some sense into me saying, Grace would feel guilty if she knew I didn't attend the interview. So here I was in the school. Today morning, Uncle swan called and informed that Grace was awake and okay.

After completing my interview, I hurried to the house not even bothering talking to Elijah who was pestering me about the news. When I went home, mom was in the living room. "Grace is home", she said with a smile

"Thanks mom", I smiled back and started walking across the street .

When I entered her room, she was sleeping like a cute angel.

"Grace", I whispered. The moment she opened the eyes was the most relieving one I had ever experienced.