Chapter 6 - The attack

I'd been awake for the last hour, tossing around in the bed and reading books. Every time I had such nightmares, it ended in the same way, being hit by a light and seeing the cloak on the verge of landing. I finally knew I couldn't sleep anymore, I tossed the blanket and got up from the bed.

It was 8 in the evening. When I checked the phone both Eva and Jordan had texted me.

"Hey Grace, I went home after your sister came. Be safe and call me if you wanna talk. I love you


"Gracy, you okay? Is it really something about your periods. Heard you cried in the cafeteria and when I came home you were sleeping like a bear on hibernation. I know something is wrong. You better tell me before someone else does. I am coming there to babysit you girls.


If it hadn't been these two people, who were not family by blood, I would be six feet under by now. They were the people who accepted for what I was;family by heart.

I knew the talk with Jordan was inevitable but I thought one or two days would do. Destiny had some other plans for me. Mom and Dad were going for dinner at the family meeting held every month. It was an adult meet where children were strictly not allowed. We also had children meet where only my cousins and us would be attending the meet.

According to my grandparents, they did this to understand our lives and perspective and help the parents find a middle ground. I couldn't say such gatherings were exactly futile.

I slowly descended the stairs, I heard voices coming from the living room. I stopped in the middle of stairs after I heard Violet's voice, hiding from their view. As I slowly went down the stairs I could clearly hear the conversation.

"Why is it my fault mom? Can't you see I am the one embarrassed here. Do you know how my friends humiliated me because of it ?", Violet was screeching.

"What your friends did have nothing to do with Grace ?", my mom said appealingly.

"Why would she cry in the bathroom? Did you know she created a scene in the cafeteria for some bug in her bag. Even if I can't do nothing about it, she is my sister. Why can't she just get it that whatever she does affects me? She cries for almost everything and eats for pacifying her. She can't walk up three floors without panting plus every year she rips her pants because she keeps on bulging mom", Violet was screaming. Every word she said was like a bullet to my chest.

I barely controlled my forth coming tears to listen to their conversation.

"Violet, watch your language. Whatever she is,however she is, she is your sister and my daughter. You don't know why she cried. We don't know what happened. As a sister, you should've been there for her. Never ever talk about her like that because I love her that much. Remember it, you offend her, you offend me.", My mom started raising her voice.

I heard a shattering sound

"You don't know what she did. She is just an embarrassment to us and her friends. She can't even take care of herself. She is such a prude, an attention seeker. She is just a good actor getting you all on her side. She is just acting. She needs doctor, mom. She is a psycho"


"I never wished she was my sister", Violet said choking.

I started running towards my bedroom with tears threatening to flow. Today couldn't get any worse.I locked the door as soon as I entered the room. I wanted to be alone but my sister's words were ringing in the room.


never was my sister..

I laid on the bed facing the ceiling. I wanted this pain to go away. I never imagined this were the thoughts that were going through my sister.

What did I do to her?. We were more than sisters until 2 years ago. There were never secrets between us. Now my sister wishes I never exist..

The light knock in the door diverted my attention.

"Grace", My mom called me from outside. I didn't reply. If I opened my mouth she would definitely find something was wrong. I wasn't gonna allow my emotions to ruin her get together.

After a few moments, I could hear footsteps leaving.

I laid back in the bed. The picture of us on the bed side table suffocated me.

Let me forget all..atleast for few moments

The eerie feeling took over. Suddenly, lights went out all over the street. My heart started drumming and the stress I was experiencing didn't do any good to it. I felt claustrophobic.

My breathing labored, my hands started sweating. It was like someone was strangling me. I tightly gripped my throat hoping to take of the pain from my neck. Tears were flowing due to lack of oxygen in my body. I was looking around the room frantically to find my phone or the door.

I called the first number when I got hold of my phone. One moment the phone was in my hand and next it was on the floor. Abruptly I could feel something warm running from my nose.

I touched the thick liquid with my trembling hands and gasped to see theblood between my fingers. Black spots started appearing in my vision.

I was desperately reaching for the door before something happened to me. My heart was racing, I could feel the blood in my veins.

All of a sudden, everything went still in the room. The lights came and I saw the cloak standing next to my bed.

And then lights out.

I could feel the pricking pain in my hands and distant mumbling. I was trying hard to open my eyes but it felt like they were tied to bricks. I opened my eyes with great difficulty but the room was radiating too much. I shut my eyes from the pain and I tried again lightly opening to get used to the lighting.


Various tubes were connected to my hands. I was certain at this point that I wasn't dead. I didn't know whether I should be happy or not. As I was adjusting my vision for the new surrounding a familiar face appeared infront of me.

"Grace", my mom was looking at me with tears.

"Mom", I said hoarsely.

She took the water and gave me a sip from the bottle.

"Don't worry honey. You are okay. I will call the doctor now", she left the room after kissing my forehead.

I was just a burden to them. I couldn't take care of myself.

After a few moments a doctor appeared with my dad and mom.

"Hello, Grace. I am Dr.Robinson. How are you feeling now?". Robinson appeared to be a man in his late 40s with significant amount of grey showing his age andgaze showing his experience.

"I feel fine", I said slowly. He smiled and checked all the monitors in the room.

"Okay. Your vitals seem normal. Don't worry it was just due to too much pressure to your brain. Try to relax. I will suggest a psychiatrist for help", Dr. Robinson gave a small smile and looked at my parents and nodded before leaving.

Immediately after the doctor left, both my parents were on either side of me.

"How are you feeling, honey ?", My dad asked with concern. When I looked at him, his dress was scrambled and hair was disheveled. It looked like my dad aged in a day.

"I am fine dad, just tired "-of everything.

"Okay. Rest now, we will go home soon"

I laid down on the bed looking the plain white ceiling blankly. The last thing I remembered was the lights out..

What happened.?

I knew that I was missing something important but it wasn't popping up. I groaned from my now throbbing head. I closed my eyes and fell into the oblivion listening to the constant beeping sound.