"HOLD!" a voice suddenly rang out, cutting through the tension of the spar. It was Knight General Sunshine, her tone strict and laced with annoyance. As Gundrik’s daughter, she had a reputation for being no-nonsense, and her presence immediately commanded attention.
Sunshine is a breathtaking beauty, rivaling even General Eclipse. With golden hair and striking blue eyes, she holds the title of Solar Valkyrie. While she stands second only to Eclipse, the Sovereign Sword, their strengths lie in different areas—Sunshine excels in wide-range combat and support. Because of their distinct specialties, no one dares to compare them.
"Father! You shouldn’t be sparring with a kid! You’re already retired!" Sunshine scolded, her voice sharp and her expression a mix of embarrassment and frustration. She crossed her arms, glaring at Gundrik as if he were a misbehaving child.
Gundrik, however, seemed unfazed. He casually cleaned his ear with his pinky finger, pretending to be oblivious to the situation. "Sparring? Whatever could you mean, dearie?" he said, his tone dripping with mock innocence. "I was merely engaging in a friendly demonstration of swordplay with this young lad."
Sunshine’s expression darkened, her hand resting on her hip as she surveyed the scene. Mixarnt, still holding his wooden sword, looked back and forth between the father and daughter, unsure how to react to the sudden tension.
"I saw everything, Father," Sunshine said, her voice firm but tinged with exasperation. "You know as well as I do that you shouldn’t be putting yourself at risk like this, especially not in front of strangers."
Gundrik chuckled, a twinkle in his eye as he waved off her concerns. "Ah, come now, Sunshine. The lad’s a scrapper, isn’t he? Reminds me of myself at his age." He gestured toward Mixarnt, who was still catching his breath from the intense spar. "Besides, it’s not every day you meet someone with this much spirit."
Sunshine sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as if trying to ward off a headache. "Father, you’re impossible. You’re retired for a reason. You can’t just go around picking fights with random kids. This is why mother kicked you out of our house."
"I am the former Knight General before you took over. I am not a pushover GAHAHAHA!" Gundrik said with a grin and a hearty laugh, clearly enjoying himself. Sunshine, however, only grew more annoyed, massaging her temples as if trying to ward off a headache. She turned her sharp gaze toward the two knight captains under her command—Edward and Althea.
"And you two didn’t even bother stopping my father? Didn’t I tell you to step in when Father starts acting like this?" Sunshine said, her tone laced with irritation.
Edward and Althea exchanged sheepish glances, their faces reddening with guilt. They had tried to stop Gundrik earlier, but it was hard to completely rein him in when he always had a clever retort or a piece of wisdom to throw back at them. His experience and charisma made it difficult to argue with him.
"We apologize, General Sunshine," Edward said, his voice sincere. "We meant no disrespect or dereliction of duty. Your father simply caught us off guard with his... unorthodox approach to engaging the youth."
Althea nodded in agreement, adding, "Indeed, Gundrik’s wealth of experience and wit proved quite formidable. We should have intervened sooner."
Sunshine sighed, clearly exasperated. "Althea, starting tomorrow you will be a Knight General like me, so shouldn't you also be resting and not drinking?" She then turned her sharp gaze toward Mixarnt, who had been quietly trying to slip away unnoticed. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she addressed him. "And who are you, exactly?"
Mixarnt could feel the intensity of Sunshine's gaze—it was as if he was burning, even though there were no actual flames. Sensing the rising tension and wanting no part in the family drama, he quickly sheathed his wooden sword and took a few steps back.
"I'm out of here!" he said playfully, making a swift exit before Sunshine could say another word. He had no intention of sticking around for what was clearly turning into a heated family reunion.
Sunshine sighed exasperatedly as she watched Mixarnt runaway. "Well, it seems our little troublemaker has fled the scene," she remarked dryly. "I suppose he realized this family wasn’t worth sticking around for."
Gundrik chuckled, clearly amused by the whole situation. "Ah, let the lad go. He’s got spirit, that one. Like I said, he reminds me of myself at his age."
Sunshine shot her father a look, her annoyance still evident. "Father, you’re impossible! You can’t just go around picking fights with random kids, retired or not."
Gundrik’s hearty laughter echoed through the street as he watched Mixarnt’s retreating figure, a warmth spreading through his chest. There was something undeniably endearing about the boy’s fearless attitude—his willingness to face Gundrik in a spar without hesitation, despite the his intimidating aura. It was a rare quality, one that reminded Gundrik of his own younger days.
"That one’s got heart, I’ll give him that," Gundrik mused, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he chuckled. "Reminds me of when I was his age, always itching for a fight."
Sunshine let out an exasperated sigh as her father compared the boy to himself for the third time. "Alright, alright, I get it," she said, tired of hearing it.
Gundrik turned to face his daughter, Sunshine, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You know, Sunshine, maybe we should took that lad under our wing. Teach him the ways of combat, show him the path to becoming a true hero."
Sunshine rolled her eyes, shaking her head in exasperation. "Father, you know as well as I do that the boy is far too young for such formal training. He’s barely more than a child, and he’s already reckless enough as it is."
Gundrik grinned, undeterred by her skepticism. "Ah, but that’s exactly why he needs guidance. Raw talent like his, combined with that fearless attitude? With the right training, he could become something extraordinary."
Sunshine sighed, crossing her arms as she regarded her father with a mix of fondness and frustration. "Even if that’s true, he’ll need to prove himself first. If he wants to be under my wing, he’ll have to pass the knight exam. And let’s not forget, only General Eclipse managed to become a knight at the age of nine. Her combat ability was—and still is—insane."
Gundrik nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Aye, Eclipse was a prodigy, no doubt about it. But Mixarnt’s got something special too. Did you see the way he handled himself during our spar? He’s got instincts you can’t teach."
Sunshine’s gaze softened slightly, though she maintained her stern demeanor. "Instincts alone won’t be enough. The knight exam is grueling, and it tests more than just combat skills. Discipline, strategy, and character are just as important. If Mixarnt wants to succeed, he’ll need to work harder than he ever has before."
Gundrik chuckled, his eyes twinkling with pride. "And that’s where we come in, eh? You and me, guiding the next generation of heroes. It’s about time we passed on what we’ve learned."
Sunshine couldn’t help but smile, despite herself. "Father, I'm still young, I'm just 17, don't treat me as if I'm as old as you. But fine, however, don’t think this means I’m going to go easy on him. If he wants to be a knight, he’ll have to earn it."
Gundrik clapped his hands together, his grin widening. "That’s the spirit! Maybe one day, Mixarnt will surpass even Eclipse. Stranger things have happened."
As the two of them stood there, watching the street where Mixarnt had disappeared, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Gundrik’s fondness for the young adventurer was clear, and even Sunshine couldn’t deny that there was something special about him. Whether Mixarnt would rise to the challenge and become a knight remained to be seen, but one thing was certain: his journey was just beginning.
With mentors like Gundrik and Sunshine by his side, Mixarnt had a fighting chance to achieve his dreams—no matter how impossible they might seem.