Over time, Fantasia transforms into a caring and devoted guardian, her once-playful nature replaced by gentle maternal warmth. She dedicates herself to raising Mixarnt, soothing his cries and teaching him about the natural world. The Elder and his wife provide guidance, supporting Fantasia in her journey through parenthood. Together, they ensure Mixarnt receives the love and care he needs to thrive.
As Mixarnt grows, Fantasia feels proud watching him develop his natural abilities, especially his connection to Nature's mana. Her love for him deepens, driven by her desire to nurture both his growth and his spirit.
"Mixarnt! Let's play!" called Nica, a beautiful elven princess with green hair and emerald eyes from Elvedoria kingdom. She often visited the village under the world tree where Mixarnt lived, and the two would play together.
Amidst the verdant surroundings of the elven village, Mixarnt and Nica engage in a joyful game of tag, their laughter echoing through the leafy canopies. At five years old, the young companions move with carefree abandon, their giggles intermingling like the songs of woodland creatures. Fantasia observes from a distance, a contented smile on her face as she watches the budding romance blossom between her charge and the princess. Her own feelings for Mixarnt continue to evolve, a complex mix of maternal affection, fondness, and a deep-seated yearning for intimacy that she dares not acknowledge, at least not yet.
As the sun begins to set, casting a warm orange glow across the landscape, Nica and Mixarnt tumble to the ground, exhausted from their play. The princess brushes a strand of emerald hair from her face, her emerald eyes sparkling with mirth. "Let's rest now, Mixarnt."
"Geez, you're too rowdy for a princess, Nica." Mixarnt teased, making Nica giggle. Her older sister, Rose, who is 300 years old, watched over them nearby.
"I'm glad the royal family doesn't dislike Mixarnt. Honestly, it's surprising how the elves of Elvedoria accepted him," Fantasia said to Rose. "Here in the World Tree Village, everyone adores him, but I didn't expect Elvedoria, a kingdom known for disliking humans, to feel the same way." Rose chuckled softly as she watched Nica and Mixarnt rest and chat. "It's truly fascinating, Fantasia. The royal family, especially my younger sister Nica, has grown so fond of Mixarnt. Perhaps it's because of his unique blend of human and elven heritage."
She paused; her emerald eyes thoughtful. "Or maybe there's something deeper at work—a need for harmony between races to maintain balance in the world." Fantasia listened closely, her thoughts racing. Could Mixarnt's existence hold a greater purpose, one that transcends race and destiny? The idea sent a chill through her, filling her with both excitement and unease. "Well, he is the prophesied child, after all," Fantasia remarked. "And let's not forget—Mother Tree would surely be displeased if the elves of Elvedoria ever harmed Mixarnt."
Rose nodded thoughtfully. "True. Even we elves of Elvedoria recognize him as the prophesied child. To oppose him would be to defy Mother Tree herself, and that's something we would never do." Her gaze softened as she watched Nica and Mixarnt share a heartfelt moment, sealing a promise to marry each other when they turn 18.
Fantasia watches too, her expression a mask of nonchalance, as Nica and Mixarnt make their youthful promise. On the surface, it seems like just another game to the impressionable children. But beneath, Fantasia detects a depth of feeling that hints at a blossoming romance - and possibly more. As Rose's words echo in her mind, Fantasia's thoughts stray to her own unrequited longing for Mixarnt. Could it truly be fate's design, for them to be entwined in ways both maternal and romantic? With a heavy sigh, she pushes these complex emotions aside for the time being, focusing instead on the immediate needs of the children. "It seems our little ones are getting quite close. I suppose it's natural, given they spend so much time together."
Fantasia turns her attention to Nica and Mixarnt, offering guidance as they play, ever mindful of her dual role as caretaker and guardian.
"Hey hey, Nica. I will also marry big sis Fantasia when I grow up." Mixarnt said with a smile and Nica's eyes sparkle, she doesn't mind Mixarnt having multiple wives as long as she is part of it.
Fantasia gasped, nearly choking on air, completely caught off guard by Mixarnt's words. Rose laughed heartily, aware of Fantasia's long-standing dream of marrying the prophesied child.
Adding to her surprise, Fantasia had always ensured that Mixarnt didn't see her as a mother figure. Instead, Mixarnt regarded the World Tree as his mother. He often played among its branches and listened attentively to the stories it shared, forming a deep connection with the ancient tree.
"Well now, isn't that...interesting," Fantasia says with a forced laugh, trying to downplay the situation. "But let's not worry about such things just yet, shall we? You're still young, and there's plenty of time for considerations like marriage."
Internally, however, Fantasia's mind whirls with conflicting emotions. Part of her is delighted by the prospect of a romantic future with the prophesied one, while another part worries about the complications such a relationship might bring. She decides to table the matter for now, focusing instead on nurturing Mixarnt's growth and happiness.
Time passed some more, Mixarnt and Nica grew closer, often playing together in the city of Elvedoria. The elves of Elvedoria adored Mixarnt and welcomed him warmly. They couldn't bring themselves to dislike him—he was cherished by Nature's Mana, regarded as the son of the World Tree, and raised with elven values. Surrounded by the warm embrace of elven society, Mixarnt and Nica embark on a new chapter of their childhood adventures. Their bond, forged in the innocence of youth, continues to deepen as they explore the wonders of the elven realm together.
At nine years old, the young companions exhibit a precocious maturity, reflecting the influence of their respective upbringing. Mixarnt, with his innate affinity for Nature's mana and his status as the son of the World Tree, moves with an air of playful confidence. Meanwhile, Princess Nica's royal blood and elven values infuse her with poise and compassion.
As they wander through the city's bustling marketplace, the pair attract admiring glances from the elven populace. Many view Mixarnt as a symbol of hope and unity, a living testament to the harmony that can exist between humans and elves.
"Hey, Nica! Let's train in the forest—I want to catch some fish!" Mixarnt said with a playful grin. His lively energy was contagious, and Nica smiled, nodding in agreement.
"Okay, let's go!" she replied, giggling. Mixarnt's interest in fishing stemmed from his unique upbringing. While elves typically avoided consuming animals, Mixarnt, as a human raised under the guidance of the World Tree, had learned to appreciate the taste of meat. Though he never harmed animals himself, he didn't mind eating meat when served. As for fish, the elves were more accepting, as they aligned more with the ocean's blue mana, contrasting their deep connection to nature's green mana.
As Nica and Mixarnt venture into the enchanted forests surrounding Elvedoria, the air is alive with the songs of mythical birds and the soft rustling of leaves. The prophesied boy and the elven princess weave through the foliage with ease, their footsteps silent on the dew-kissed underbrush.
Their destination lies beside a crystal-clear river, where the water's tranquil surface reflects the vibrant greens and blues of the forest. With practiced grace, Mixarnt removes a shortbow and quiver from his backpack, while Nica pulls out a fishing rod adorned with delicate, glowing runes.
As they set up their stations, a gentle breeze carries the scent of blooming wildflowers, mingling with the earthy aroma of damp soil. Mixarnt's eyes shine with anticipation, his smile widening at the prospect of reeling in a prized catch.
With a few quick strides, he joins Nica by the river's edge.
"Nica, no matter how much I train with a bow, I just can't get the hang of it." Mixarnt admitted with a grin. "Elves are naturally gifted with bow mastery from birth—unlike humans. But you know what? I like swords better!"
With that, he tossed his bow aside and began crafting a wooden sword. In just five minutes, he had shaped a simple yet sturdy weapon, his grin widening with satisfaction.
Nica watches in amazement as Mixarnt effortlessly crafts a sturdy wooden sword, his deft fingers shaping the wood with precision. "Wow, Mixarnt, you're incredibly skilled with your hands!" she exclaims, impressed by his dexterity and resourcefulness.
The elven princess picks up her fishing rod, and as she casts her line into the river, she smiles at Mixarnt. "Perhaps swordsmanship will be your specialty, after all, the World Tree has blessed you with unique talents!"
As the afternoon sun filters through the canopy above, painting the forest floor in dappled hues of gold and green, the sound of splashing water and gentle fishing line vibrations fill the air. Nica and Mixarnt share a moment of peaceful companionship, their laughter carrying on the breeze as they indulge in their favorite pastimes.
Later, Mixarnt bid farewell to Nica as he headed back to the World Tree Village, while Nica was escorted by her bodyguards to Elvedoria.
As Mixarnt walked, his thoughts wandered to Nica's words about being blessed with abilities by the World Tree. He chuckled awkwardly to himself because, in truth, Mother Tree hadn't bestowed any special abilities upon him. She had once considered gifting him a fairy companion, but the fairies themselves disliked Mixarnt.
Frustrated, the Mother Tree even contemplated discussing the matter with her friend, the Fairy Queen. However, Mixarnt quickly intervened, not wanting to strain the bond between the Mother Tree and the Fairy Queen, especially since they shared a deep friendship.
As he approaches the outskirts of World Tree Village, the sight of familiar homes and the warm glow emanating from within brings a sense of comfort and belonging. Mixarnt's thoughts shift to Nica, and the delightful memories of their recent forest escapades.