Chapter 4 - Chapter 45 The Shadow Ledger

The guildmaster’s eyes widened as Mixarnt revealed the impressive haul from his dimensional pocket. The sight of fifty completed gathering quests, each containing a minimum of 100 rare to ultra-rare items, left the guildmaster in awe. The sheer quantity and value of the loot were astounding, enough to make his jaw nearly drop in astonishment.

"Mixarnt!" the guildmaster exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration. "Your accomplishment is truly remarkable. Gathering such a vast array of rare materials in just a few months requires not only exceptional skill but also an unwavering dedication to your craft."

He gestured to the treasure-filled bags, his eyes sparkling with a hint of envy. "I can only imagine the wealth you’ve amassed through your efforts."

Mixarnt grinned and leaned casually against the counter. "Haha, well, let’s get to the finer details. So, how much will I get from the completed quests?" he asked. The quest descriptions hadn’t listed a fixed gold reward. Instead, the reward varied depending on the quality of the gathered items, ranging from 10,000 gold to 1,000,000 gold.

The guildmaster smiled knowingly, nodding subtly to show his approval of Mixarnt’s sharp thinking. "An astute question, young one. Indeed, the reward for completing gathering quests varies significantly depending on the rarity and quality of the items you’ve collected."

He leaned in closer, his voice taking on a more confidential tone. "From what I’ve seen, high-tier adventurers like yourself typically receive a bonus ranging from 100,000 to 500,000 gold per completed quest, on top of the individual item appraisals."

The guildmaster paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "Given the extraordinary rarity and quantity of your findings, I wouldn’t be surprised if your total reward exceeds even those upper limits. However, such assessments usually require a thorough evaluation by our appraisers."

He straightened up, a grin spreading across his face as he clapped a hand on Mixarnt’s shoulder. "Don’t worry, though. We’ll expedite the process for you, considering your exceptional achievements and the fact that these quests originated from Naeva. Our guildmaster will likely personally oversee your appraisal and provide a fair assessment."

The guildmaster led Mixarnt deeper into the guild hall, navigating through rows of bustling activity. Apprentices busily copied manuscripts, while senior members huddled in discussions, poring over maps and blueprints. The air was thick with the smell of parchment, ink, and the faint tang of magical energies.

As they approached a large wooden counter, the guildmaster introduced Mixarnt to Elara, the lead appraiser. Elara, a striking woman with fiery red hair and piercing green eyes, regarded Mixarnt with a discerning gaze. Her hands were already reaching for a set of enchanted spectacles perched on her desk.

"Elara here is one of our finest experts," the guildmaster explained. "She’ll ensure your items are appraised accurately and fairly."

"Er... aren’t you...?" Mixarnt trailed off, his voice faltering as he recognized Elara. She was the Sapphire-rank adventurer with a cleric class who had been part of the group that attacked Kaelzar’s base in the Dark Woods. Though they had only met once and hadn’t spoken much, she was an acquaintance—and a good friend to Arthur, Elyssia, Lila, and Granbold.

Elara’s gaze flickered with recognition, a hint of surprise crossing her face as she realized who Mixarnt was. Her eyes widened slightly, and she set down her enchanted spectacles, extending a hand in greeting.

"By the Light, Mixarnt!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "I had no idea you were the same brave soul who helped us turn the tide against that monstrous bandit. Your actions that day were instrumental in saving countless lives."

Elara’s tone carried genuine respect, her admiration for Mixarnt’s courage and selflessness evident.

The guildmaster, observing the interaction with a pleased smile, nodded approvingly. "So, Mixarnt here has big achievements?" he asked Elara, his tone curious and slightly amused.

Mixarnt sweat a little, realizing that the cat was now out of the bag. He scratched the back of his head, his grin turning sheepish. "Well, I guess you could say that," he said, trying to downplay the situation.

Elara chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Big achievements? That’s an understatement. Mixarnt here played a key role in taking down Kaelzar and his band of criminals. Without him, things might have turned out very differently."

The guildmaster raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Is that so? Well, it seems our young adventurer here is full of surprises. No wonder he’s managed to complete fifty gathering quests in such a short time."

Elara nodded, her expression turning thoughtful. "Mixarnt’s not just skilled—he’s got a knack for getting things done, no matter the odds. It’s good to see you again, Mixarnt. Arthur and the others have spoken highly of you."

Mixarnt’s grin returned, though he still looked a bit embarrassed. "Thanks, Elara. It’s good to see you too. I didn’t expect to run into someone I knew here."

The guildmaster clapped Mixarnt on the shoulder, his smile widening. "Well, it seems you’ve made quite the impression on more than just me. Let’s get those items appraised, shall we? I have a feeling you’re about to become a very wealthy adventurer."

"Erm... ah... haha... I mean, you know I ran away during the awarding ceremony, right?" Mixarnt said looking at Elara awkwardly, scratching the back of his head as he recalled the chaotic scene. He remembered how he had rejected the queen’s offer to become a protector of Naeva and how the guards had tried to capture him to prevent him from leaving the kingdom. It had been a comedic and chaotic moment, one that Elara clearly found amusing as she giggled at the memory. Mixarnt’s declaration of marrying Elyssia and Alyssia upon his return only added to the hilarity of the situation.

The guildmaster, who had only met Mixarnt a few minutes ago looked intrigued. He hadn’t expected the young adventurer to have such a storied past, especially since Mixarnt was currently ranked as a Pebble-rank adventurer—the lowest rank in the guild system.

Elara’s laughter echoed through the guild hall, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, I remember that day clearly," she said, still chuckling. "The look on the queen’s face when you bolted out of the ceremony was priceless. And then your little declaration about marrying both Elyssia and Alyssia? Classic Mixarnt."

The guildmaster couldn’t help but chuckle as well, though his curiosity was clearly piqued. "Fascinating," he murmured, his gaze fixed on Mixarnt with newfound interest. "And yet, despite your illustrious background, you present yourself as a humble Pebble-rank adventurer. Tell me, Mixarnt, what prompted you to keep your extraordinary past a secret? Is it a personal choice, or are there external factors at play?"

Mixarnt sighed, his expression turning more serious. "It’s just... I don’t want people talking about me or looking at me with expectations. I’m far from Naeva now—it’s in the central region, and I’m here in Aetherlight, in the southern region. I kinda wanna start fresh, you know? Put my past accomplishments behind me when I’m in a new place. That’s just how I want to do things. So, please, let’s keep all of this a secret."

The guildmaster’s expression softened, and he nodded in understanding. "Of course, Mixarnt. Your request is perfectly reasonable. In a place like Aetherlight, where your reputation doesn’t precede you, starting anew can indeed bring its own set of opportunities and growth."

He extended a hand, sealing the pact with a firm handshake. "Whatever happens in Aetherlight, stays in Aetherlight. You have our word as a guild."

Elara also nodded solemnly, her gaze reflecting a mix of admiration and respect. "Consider it sealed, Mixarnt. We’ll treat you like any other novice seeking to make a name for themselves. Let’s focus on helping you adjust to our guild’s system and procedures."

The two adults exchanged a look, silently reaffirming their commitment to keeping Mixarnt’s secrets safe.

"But what I can’t understand," the guildmaster said, tilting his head slightly, "is why your rank is still at the bottom when you’ve achieved so much. It doesn’t add up."

Mixarnt shrugged, his grin returning. "Well, Guildmaster Enkin of Caspade said my achievements weren’t part of official guild quests. What’s more, I wasn’t really part of the Naeva expedition. It just so happened that I was in the vicinity and decided to help my friends. So... yeah. That’s why my rank hasn’t gone up."

Elara nodded in confirmation. "That’s right. Mixarnt wasn’t officially part of the party. He was actually on a gathering quest back then and just happened to join in because of the circumstances."

The guildmaster raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Well, that’s quite the story. But don’t worry, Mixarnt. Here in Aetherlight, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to prove yourself—officially this time. And who knows? Maybe you’ll rise through the ranks faster than anyone expects."

Mixarnt’s grin widened. "That’s the plan. Let’s see how far I can go when I’m starting from scratch."

"Tell you what, young adventurer," the guildmaster began, his tone resolute. "While your achievements may not fit neatly into our traditional guidelines, they certainly demonstrate a level of prowess and heroism worthy of recognition."

He stood up and walked over to a nearby shelf lined with ancient tomes and scrolls. With a practiced hand, he retrieved a dusty volume, blowing off the accumulated dust before opening it to a blank page.

"This," the guildmaster continued, his voice growing animated, "is where we record the names of those who have demonstrated exceptional bravery, skill, or selflessness, even if their feats don’t fit our standard quest format. It’s a shadow ledger, kept hidden from public view but respected and revered among our most seasoned members."

He flipped to a new page, dipped a quill pen into an inkwell, and began writing in bold, flowing script. "Allow me to inscribe your name within its pages, Mixarnt, as a testament to your remarkable exploits. While it won’t grant you a higher rank overnight, it will serve as a symbol of our guild’s appreciation and recognition for your extraordinary contributions."

The guildmaster handed the ledger to Mixarnt, allowing him to see his name etched alongside other legendary figures, their stories waiting to be uncovered by those privy to this secretive chronicle.

"Woah, thanks! I don’t mind this at all," Mixarnt said with a grin. Then, realizing he hadn’t asked the guildmaster’s name, he added, "By the way, Guildmaster, what’s your name?"

The guildmaster chuckled, pleased by Mixarnt’s candid curiosity. "My apologies for not introducing myself properly, young adventurer," he said, offering his hand in greeting. "I am Guildmaster Orion Thorne, at your service."

As they shook hands, Orion’s warm, firm grip conveyed a sense of strength and leadership, tempered by an undercurrent of kindness. His hazel eyes crinkled at the corners, hinting at a ready wit and a deep-seated passion for his craft.

"Guildmaster Orion it is, then," Mixarnt replied with a friendly smile, storing the name away for future reference. He felt a strange sense of comfort knowing his secrets were safe with such an astute and principled individual.

Author's Note


I came up with the name Orion Thorne after picking up an onion with a small spike on it. I thought, "Onion Thorn?" and the rest is history.